Sparing Sword

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Jacaerys stood in the courtyard of Dragonstone, his black clothes covered by his greave's, cubitiere and his breastplate a dull well-scratched silver. A Dull sparing sword in his hand, his dark hair pushed out of his eyes, his boots moving across the courtyard. As he worked sparing with the manakin often letting out grunts as he practised. 

Across the courtyard on the dark stones sat a young maid girl, on her break from the kitchens and taking in the air. She glances up and often her eyes catch the prince as he practices. He caught her eye and straightened himself up knowing he was being watched, pushing hair from his face.

He made a point to work a little harder and put his best foot forward as it were now he knew the maid was watching him. However, in his attempts to show off, he slipped and almost toppled over. 

Which caused the maid to chuckle.

Her laugh caused his blood to boil so he turned to her, "You laugh?!"

"Forgive me Prince Jacaerys," she nodded, 

"You think you can do better?" he asked, "What would you know of sparing?" He scoffed heading back to the manakin, 

The maid for a moment didn't say anything but she stood and straightened her grey dress, "With all due respect my prince, I happen to know more than most. And I rather think I could indeed do better,"

"You could?" he laughed, "Alright." he chuckled taking a spare sparing sword and tossing it to her but of course, it fell to the mud without her even trying to catch it, "Go on, and I'll even be sporting, One-handed as your in a dress"

"How very kind of you my Prince," She nodded picking the sword up from the mud wiping it on her apron and stepping down the steps towards him, he put a hand behind his back "Begin," the two began a sparing match which was over quickly as he very simply forced the sword from her hand, 

"There. Now do I get an apology?" 

"Perhaps, one more Prince Jazaerys?" She offered,

"Fine one more." He rolled his eyes, 

"Thank you," she nodded, but this time, she pulled her hair and her fingers twisted it into a long braid that she then pinned up around her head, she took the skirt of her dress and gathered it pulling it between her legs and tieing it around her hips revealing her bare to her mid-thigh, which took Jacaerys attention, she pushed up her sleeves and took the sword in both hands. "Begin," she smirked, 

The two began their second sparing match but this time she was far more merciless and accurate Jacaerys actually had to put some work in to put up a fight so much so he had to go back on his word and use both hands but still she disarmed him sending his sparing sword into the mud, 

"Thank you very much for the kindness of sparing with me my prince,"

"How did you- What did- Where did you learn that?!" He asked,

"Could say," she said picking up his sword for him and handing it back, "I am a lady of many talents,"

"I can see that," He nodded taking his sword back, "Best two out of three? and then you'll tell me how you learnt?"

She chuckled, and rubbed her cheek the mud from his sword now across her face, "I suppose that's fair. shall we my prince?"

"We shall Little maid," he nodded, 

The two began to spar again both of them and both putting their full effort into it, the two chasing each other around the yard, using items as blocks and shields, playing tricks on one another until finally, he disarmed her.

"Well done my prince. I guess you win." she smiled fixing her dress, "I should return to work,"

"Wait-" He stopped her from leaving by taking her hand, "You never said how you leant?"

"Ohh," she chuckled, "My father was a blacksmith, he used to make me test the blades every day."

"Ohh... yeah I uhh I guess that's why you're so good,"

"Thank you, not as good as you but not had a years of knights training." she smiled, "Have a good afternoon Prince Jacaerys," she nodded heading to the steps and the door,

"Wait!" he called out, "Can- Can I know your name?"


"Y/n... that's a very beautiful name I uhh I hope perhaps to spar with you again?"

"I'd like that very much," she smiled before she headed inside, 

Jacaerys took a breath for a moment letting his mind clear and return focus to his sparing but he knew it would be a good while before his little maid Y/n left his mind, 

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