The Snow P2

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Jacaerys remained in Winterfell for several days taking in the northern customs and sights even if most of it was mostly snow, he has made fast friends with Cregan Stark as his mother suggested he might. The two sat at a table in Winterfell's great hall, enjoying a flagon of mead each finally getting to the true meat of the discussion he had been sent here to discuss, they had been chatting about it intermittently during his time here but now was the real talks, they sat and discusses plans, oaths and the choices ahead.

Even if admittedly Jacaerys often glanced across the room to where Y/n sat in a beautiful silver dress that hugged her so perfectly and snugly his eyes often wonder to her, her eyes at times met his own which made him blush as admittedly her had an effort to appear more handsome tonight as he knew he would be seeing her. Over the days he had been here so far he had really grown interested in Y/n and he had a feeling she was interested in him too.

But he forced his attention back to Lord Cregan Stark,

"You're mother wishes to start a war, with her own half-brother for the throne no less. Tell me... The Iron Throne and Kings Landing are thousands of miles away from the Winterfell walls, it would take a good two months to march an army down there and that's without complications of the twins and any other issues in the Riverlands," He explained, "Why should we involve ourselves in a war so far from our home? It makes no difference to us up here, so why should I risk my kin and my house in a war for who's ass sits in a chair halfway around the world?" He asked,

Jacaerys nodded and he understood Cregan's thoughts he had a good point and it was hard to disagree with him. The North could just stay out of this and be untouched by the war in the South, "You're words have quite a bit of wisdom, but this war will not simply be contained beyond your borders, who sits on the throne will affect all of us from old town to the wall." He explained, "And regardless your family swore to my mother, do your oaths not mean anything?"

"Oaths mean everything in the north," He nodded, "There has never lived a stark who forgot an oath,"

"Then you cannot sit cosy in your castle while he sits on the throne."

"But you see my concerns, by the time I walk my army down the war could be over. And what happens when we arrive at Kings landing in a war that's over, to fight for a side that lost? They would massacre us. And as much as our oaths are our law... you cannot expect me to allow my house, and the houses of my noble lords to be snuffed out," He explained, "The Targaryen dynasty has already taken so much from us..."

"And he may take more from you still, you know your peace is my mother's greatest hope."

"That is true, we do not know the man this king will be. But your mother... we know her ways and means, she is her father's daughter and her father was a man of peace and understanding."

"Sometimes the best way to peace, is war."

"Let us talk no more of it tonight,"

"Of course," Jacaerys nodded, "May... My lord may I speak of something else?"

"Go on," Cregan nodded sipping his drink,

"May I ask... about your kin?"


"Y/n specifically,"

"She is a snow. But she is my sister. My blood. No matter what the laws of this land are she is my sister."

"That is Honourable of you,"

"You know... there are rumours I have heard about your family-"

"It is... lies." Jacaerys lied, he knew the truth but he knew best not to speak of it,

"Lies?" Cregan nodded with a smile, "What is your question in regards to my sister?"

"... Is she promised?"

Cregan snickered, "Why?"

"I... I admit, I have... I have caught her in my eyes and I would like to ask permission to court her,"

"you think you are the first to ask me that? I have been buried under marriage proposals for my sister. You are not the first nor will you be the last to ask to court her. The answer to you is the same as the answer to the rest I will not allow anyone to court Y/n. If a man wishes her hand he will bring a proposal and I'll wed her to the best proposal I am given."

"So, then the question now is... what kind of proposal is sufficient for you?"

"I will make you a deal. We will join your mother's war the Starks and all the banners of the north with be on the side of her crown we will keep our oaths and back her. And as payment for all this war will cost us. And when your mother's ass is sat on that throne you will be her heir, so you will marry Y/n and have a stark as your queen,"

"I... I..." he stuttered, he knew this was a big thing to promise, the hand of an heir to the throne is not something to be given away so likely but he knew he had to return to his mother with the Starks alliance and... he wanted to return with Y/n in his arms,

"You drive a hard bargain, my Lord. Is this your full request?"

"it is. And when she gives you a son stark blood will be your heir. I will legitimise my sister and wed her to you in the godswoods and our oath, and alliance will be set as your vows."

"You will support my mother, march to war with us, spill blood for us. And you will wed me your sister?" Jaracerys asked, "You give me your word in this?"

"You have my sworn word," He offered his hand.

"Then, I accept your deal, my Lord, on the condition that she too agree to this proposal." he took this hand and shook it. 

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