Chapter 129: Simple life

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Tristen comes down, ready to go to the company. He was with his usual vintage suit , looking like all handsome and bossy.

He goes to the kitchen and sees Andrea making breakfast. She was frying eggs. He goes to her and kisses the back of her head.

She recognizes his intoxicating scent and turns back.

"Good morning" he tells her with his deep voice.

"Morning, breakfast?" She tells him as she moves away and tries to set tables.

"I'm running, late . I'll be back for dinner. If I don't , have your dinner and you can go to sleep".

"You won't come home early?" She asks , a hint of sadness was shown on her face before she immediately went back to normal. Tristen noticed it and smirks.

"You'll miss me little girl?" his eyes pierced deep into hers becoming deep.

"Uh no it's not that".

"Oh really, what is it then" he says , drawing closer.

"I want to resume . I'm all good now so I want to begin with work".

"You're still not safe Andrea, I can't let you begin ".

"You can't keep me indoors forever, you know that right?. I'm strong enough now".

"If it's about the pay?, don't bother you'll be getting your pay".

"It's not about the pay Tristen. I can't be staying here all day and not do anything. I'm strong now ".

"I'll figure something out, I just can't let you be taken away from me again. I won't bare it" he tells her . he kisses her cheek" don't wait for me. You can invite feisty over". He leaves immediately leaving frustrated Andrea alone with her almost burnt eggs.

Later that day, she tried to do things to keep herself busy . She had the opportunity to move around. She found her self at the rooftop and decided to stay there for a while.

She spent sometime with Eloise and she used the opportunity to tell her what Fuego had to say about him being in a Mafia group.

Night time came and Tristen was yet to come back. Asides from the breakfast she barely ate, she ate nothing.

She sat down in the living room waiting for him. She had a show on yo keep herself busy while she waited. She knew she couldn't sleep properly knowing he was somewhere outside.

After an hour, he opens the door, looking all drained and tired. Andrea sits up looking at him.

He notices that she hadn't gone to sleep yet and this made him happy. He smiles tiredly as moves to her, loosing his collar. He grunts tiredly and smiles to her. "You stayed up for me"

"I couldn't sleep" .

He caresses her face, moves his face slowly to hers. His lips inches away from hers. She closed her eyes, waiting for his lips to meet hers but he did something different. He goes and kisses her nose, then rest his head on her neck inhaling her sweet scent.

"I miss this Andrea" his voice comes out as a whisper .

"You didn't tell me you were in a Mafia group" Andrea quietly speaks.

He sighs "I was a Mafia Boss baby" he tells her , seeming not disturbed she found out. He knew she was going to find out sooner or later and seeing the way she was rescued then definitely he expected the question.

"Why didn't you let me know"

"I wasn't ready to tell you. I didn't know how you were going to react".

"You were going to hide it forever?".

He finally sits up "No. I wanted to tell you but lots of things prevented it".

"I'm all ears now".

"I needed to protect my mom from my dad, so I was introduced to the group. They trained me and soon enough I was better than most of them, they decided to make me their leader seeing the potential I had and they influence Drew's name had ".

"Did you kill anyone Tristen?".

He nods" I killed people Andrea. People that deserved to die just like Dan. People that threatened to hurt the ones that I loved. I killed them and I have no regrets up until now."

"They had families Tristen, parents, siblings even children ".

"They would have thought about it before trying to hurt and threaten my family. You would do the same if you were given the opportunity. Watching Drew treat us badly, watching him trying to rape my mom , I saw her face that night. She was beaten up and you think I wouldn't go lengths to save one family that I have?. You think I wanted this life Andrea?, you think I want to go to companies everyday, signing documents , attending meetings and what not?. I wanted a very simple life. I wanted to be a chef, have my restaurant, get married to a pretty girl , have my princess and I'm good. I never wanted so much luxury, I just wanted to be a comfortable man". His voice broke a little bit telling her this. She shouldn't judge him . Life doesn't give everyone what they wished.

Andrea's face softens, seeing him this way. He was right. "Tristen I... ". She tries to speak but he stops her.

" I know, I'll always be broken and messed up. I'm keeping the ones I love safe at least. I don't care how bad I might look in other people's eyes. I scare you I know. If you still want space I'll give it to you. I'm not having dinner " he stands and leaves.

Andrea hated herself for judging him. She grunts and tries to call him but he was way up and hurt to want to listen to her.

Author's note

Yeah I know she's becoming annoying. Do vote

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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