Chapter 2: I live in a rock

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Chloe's POV


"Chloe, grab on!" A voice desperately yelled. Everything was still black. "Chloe, please!" The voice yelled again. Then it felt like something hard hit me. I shot up from wherever I was sitting. I gasped for air as sweat dripped down my face. I looked around the room. I was in a large room with beds on either side of me. There was equipment on tables nearby. "You're alive." A person next to me spoke up. I turned my head to see the boy in the black suit with the bird design, and the dark skinned boy in the red shirt. "Where am I?" I demanded. They both looked at each other.

"We need to ask you some questions first. Where are you from?" The boy in red asked me. I looked down, as I tried to remember anything. "I don't know. I can't remember... anything." I said quietly. Both boys glanced at each other. The dark skinned boy extended his hand. "I am Aqualad, the leader of the team here. This is Nightwing." He said as I shook his hand. "Chloe. I... don't remember anything else." I said, the last part coming out more quietly. Both boys looked at each other. Nightwing spoke up. "You're not from here, are you?" He said.

I shook my head. "Most likely not. I'm assuming no one here has blue blood." I said as I looked at both of them. They both shook their heads. "I can fly, and do the, um, light thing, with my hands I guess." I said as I helped up my hands, hoping they wouldn't blast anything. "You don't know how to use your powers very well, do you?" Aqualad remarked. I shook my head 'no'. "Come on, let's give you a tour." Nightwing said. I stood up and followed both boys out of the room.

We passed the workout room, library, locker rooms, mission room, showers (thank God no one was in there), and souvenir room. We finally reached the 'kitchen and lounge', where the rest of the team sat. I noticed all the people from earlier, along with some unfamiliar faces. "This is the Team." Nightwing says as we walk into the room. Everyone's head turns to look at me. I give a small wave.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind whooshed into my face and a boy with red hair stood in front of me. "Hi, I'm Wally, Wally West. Kid Flash? You know, yellow speedster, but not like Reverse Flash, that'd be bad. No? Okay cool. Anyway, welcome to the cave. That's Artemis, M'gann or Megan, Connor, Karen, Mal, Garfield, Cassie, Barbra, Jaime, and Robin Number 3 still hasn't told us his name. I see you've also met Dick and Kaldur. Don't worry, they're much more fun than they look." He said without taking any breaths. My eyes quickly scanned the room matching each name to a face, and seeing how displeased each of their faces were at the fact they didn't get to introduce themselves.

"Oh, we're also in a rock. You know, that large mountain near the town, we're inside of it." Wally continued. "Wally!" Dick yelled. Wally's head snapped up to look at Dick. "What? You said be friendly, so I introduced everyone." Wally stated as he looked at Dick. "You realize we weren't going to tell her that much right?" A boy, Connor, the one I blasted into the wall accidentally, said. "Oh. My bad. Lemme try again." Wally said as he cleared his throat. "I'm Kid Flash, that's still M'gann, still Artemis, Superboy, Bumblebee, still Mal, Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Blue Beetle, and Robin Number 3." He said as he renamed everyone, and everyone groaned in response.

"Um, hi. I'm Chloe. I can't really remember anything else besides that..." I said nervously. The room was silent after that. "So...", I started, as everyone looked at me, "We live in a rock?". The room was even quieter. "Oh God, I fucked that up" I thought to myself. Then the green kid, Garfield, broke out into laughter. "She's not wrong. We live in a literal rock." He said in between breaths.

I let out a small smile, and then I turned to Nightwing and Aqualad. "I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to know any of that." I said. Aqualad shook his head as he smiled, while Nightwing went over to talk to Wally. "Am I supposed to stay here or...?" I asked Aqualad. "We already have a room set up for you to stay for now. In the morning, you will meet the League. They will let you know if you can stay here or not." He explained. I frowned. "Who is the League?" I asked. "Our superiors, and mentors. They're mostly friendly. Except for Bats, he's kinda depressing." Wally explained as he popped up next to me.

A blonde girl, Artemis, came up behind him and whacked him on the back of the head. "Ow! What the hell, Arty?" Wally said as he rubbed his head. "Excuse him, he's a bit loud. My name's Artemis, but um, I think you already know that." She said as she extended her hand. "Chloe," I said as I shook it, "but you also already know that.". She smiled. Another girl appeared behind her, the green girl with red hair. "I'm M'gann." She said as I also shook her hand. Behind her, I noticed the Superboy, or Conner, or whatever I was supposed to call him.

I turned my attention to him. "Uh, hi, I'm Chloe, and I'm sorry I smacked your face into a building." I said as I stuck out my hand. I could see Wally and Garfield silently laughing behind Connor. He stared at my hand for a minute. He finally shook it, muttered something along the line of 'It's fine', and walked away. M'gann came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, he's quiet, he takes time to warm-up to people." She said, and I looked at her and nodded. She continued to stare at him as he walked out of the room, a small smile on her face.

"Sorry to ask, but is he your, uh, boyfriend?" I said. "Yeah, it took a while though if you can't tell. But anyway, I'll show you to your room." She said as she began to pull me away from the kitchen, gesturing for Artemis to follow, Garfield tagging along too. As we walked I saw a person standing behind the group of people now talking. I recognized him as Blue Beetle, or Jaime. I offered him a small smile and waved, which he returned. I continued looking at him. He had soft brown eyes and short brown hair, and made me realize how short I was. Then we rounded the corner, and I lost sight of him.


Jaime's POV


Chloe. She's blonde and has sparkling blue eyes. She's also short, maybe shorter than my sister. The five seconds we made eye contact was the best five seconds of my day. I completely forgot that she wasn't even from here. I think I might like her.

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