Chapter 22: Kaldur goes into the acting business

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Chloe's POV


    I had always loved snow. I still remember the first time I saw it, I was terrified. I thought the world was ending. But, once I stepped out into it, and threw a snowball into Wally's face, I realized it wasn't that bad. Except for the cold. The cold part was horrible. Currently, Karen, Jaime, and I were on the way to Bibbo's Dinner. Ever since we discovered that the real Bibbo was with the Krolos, we decided to investigate.

    "It's so cold." I said as I rubbed my arms. Jaime nodded in agreement as he shivered, and Karen pulled the hood of her coat over her head to keep herself warm. "C'mon, we're almost there." Karen said as she picked up her pace. "Do you think they have hot chocolate there?" I asked as I ran a bit to keep up with Karen. "M-maybe." Jaime said as his teeth chattered. My boyfriend didn't do well with the cold, but neither did I so I couldn't talk. Finally, I saw the neon pink letters of 'Bibbo's' in the distance.

    As we walked in, I heard good old Gordon G's voice coming from the T.V. What a great start to a mission. Fake Bibbo grabbed two menus and made his way over to us. Karen pulled down her hood while me and Jaime looked around the restaurant to see if anything was out of place. "Sit anywhere kids." Fake Bibbo said as he began to hand us menus, but paused to study our faces. He gasped and did a double take when he realized who we were.

    He launched himself from the counter and dove to the back of the kitchen. "Well that's one way to do it." I said as we all looked at each other. We immediately ran to the back. Karen threw her mask over her face and went to tiny size, while Jaime's armor covered him. Me? I struggled a bit more. I threw off my coat to reveal the top part of my suit, quickly throwing my mask over my face, not bothering with the hood. My pants and sneakers still remained, so I disintegrated them with my beams. M'gann always asks how I run out of clothes so quickly.

    We all quickly flew after Fake Bibbo, who could run surprisingly fast. There was an upcoming fence, which had to be at least 8 feet tall, and he hopped it. He hopped an 8 foot fence. Some great acting that Krolo was putting on for a middle aged man. Karen quickly flew through a small hole in the fence, but Jaime didn't have enough time to fly over it, so he covered his face with his hands and smashed right through it.

    "Just a reminder, Nightwing said no property damage." I said as I flew next to him. "Yeah yeah, Scarab reminded me too." He said as he continued flying. Fake Bibbo was almost to the street, but then real Bibbo jumped out of nowhere and punched him square in the jaw, causing him to fall back in the snow. "There's only one Bibbo, and don't you forget it." He said as he rubbed his now sore fist. Fake Bibbo's mechanical chest opened to reveal the tiny Krolo piloting the machine. The Krolo quickly jumped to the wall and began to climb along it, dodging my blasts. He jumped to a sewer drain and quickly pulled it off.
    It was Karen's turn to fire. She hit the Krolo in the shoulder, causing him to fall back into the sewer. He landed in a small ship, which he quickly turned on, and a large trail of fire following the ignition of the machine. We all took a step back and covered our faces as a wall of flames erupted from the sewer. "Your hair!" Jaime exclaimed as I looked to see a small edge of my ponytail on fire. I quickly patted it out, leaving it a bit black, and making me frown. I also realized my mask had disintegrated, Karen's too.

"Boy, that practically singed my eyebrows off." Bibbo said, not realizing that his eyebrows were quite literally signed off. The only person's suit that wasn't damaged was Jaime's, who only had a bit of soot and ash covering his suit. "Yeah, practically." Jaime said as he looked at Bibbo's now bare eyebrows. "Uh, you got a little something..." Jaime said as he pointed to both our faces. "Blue, scan for it!" Karen and I both exclaimed. 'Right, right! Scanning." He said as his eyes turned yellow while he scanned. I desperately kept trying to fix my partially burned hair as he continued to scan.

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