Chapter 8: I pass out again, but in a cool way

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Chloe's POV


    "So how are we going to do this?" I asked as I sat down on one of the kitchen bar stools. We had agreed to wait till the next morning to try. Only M'gann, Conner, Dick, Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, Karen, Mal, Gar, and Jaime were here. Everyone else was on a mission.

"Honestly, I think the best way to do it is to just pry into your mind and see if there's any way we can open your memories." M'gann said as she sat on the stool across from me. I nodded in agreement. "And you're sure this is gonna work?" Artemis asked, sounding more nervous than I was. "Most likely. But it might take a while." She replied.

"How long are we talking?" Conner asked. M'gann sighed and thought for a moment. "Maybe 3 hours, or longer." She said quietly. "3 hours?!" Everyone exclaimed. "How many memories do you have in your head, Clo?" Wally exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. "It's an estimate! I've never gone this deep into anyone's mindscape! For us it could seem like 2 days, but 5 minutes for you guys."  M'gann exclaimed.

I sighed in frustration. "But what if we need you for a mission?" Karen asked softly. "It'll be fine, M'gann, do what you have to do." Kaldur says, and M'gann nods. She places her hands on my temples, and the last thing I see is her eyes glowing green, then my world fades to black.


I wake up laying on the cold black floor, M'gann kneeling over me. "You okay?" She asks as she helps me up, I nod. We're in a black void. "So this is my mind. Just as much as I thought going on in here." I said as I crossed my arms. She smiles. "C'mon, there has to be something here." M'gann says as she begins to walk around, me in close trail.

We soon reach a door, a singular door, covered in tons of cabins. Big heavy metal ones. "I think we found your memories." M'gann says, and I nod in agreement. She walks forward to touch them, but I stop her. "Let me try." I say, and she takes a step back and nods. I reach out and touch the chains, and they melt into a pile of golden goo. I turn and look at M'gann and we both make disgusted faces as we step over the goo as I open the door.

A gold light blinds us as I open us. I look at her, and she nods, and we both enter. The light feels cold as we walk in, and it still blinds us. Then it all fades away into darkness.


Jaime's POV


I watch as M'gann and Chloe sit there, the same position they've been in for the past 15 minutes. "Ughhhhh, this is so boring. Can't they speed it up?" Wally asks, and Artemis nudges him in the arm. Then, out of nowhere, Chloe falls off the chair, M'gann following shortly after. Conner and I rush to catch each of the girls, and we both reach them just in time. M'gann sits up gasping for air, but Chloe doesn't. It barely looks like she's breathing.

"What happened?" Nightwing asks as Conner helps M'gann up and back onto the chair. "I don't know, we reached her mindscape, found the door to her memories and went into it. But something pushed me out." M'gann explains. "Well why didn't Chloe wake up?" I ask. M'gann turns to look at the girl. "I think she found her memories." M'gann says softly.

I look back down at Chloe. Her face looked peaceful. Way too peaceful. She's barely breathing at this point. "Dick we have to get her to the infirmary-" Artemis begins, but then Chloe's eyes snap open. They aren't their usual ocean blue, her whole eye is golden. Everyone takes a step back. Chloe holds her hands to her head and begins to scream as tears pour down her face.

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