Chapter 6: Nobody cuts antarctica any slack

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Chloe's POV


How time flies. Quite literally. This morning I woke up, made a bunch of holes in our kitchen, beat a professional superhero, had a ton of cereal, went to a grocery store, started a fight with a 10 year old, passed out, and now I'm probably going to get arrested. And people say they have busy agendas.

But back to the passing out thing. Turns out the name, Rebecca, triggered something in me. That something ended up being me passing out and realizing I have a sister. When I passed out, I relived a memory. Training with a young brunette girl in an arena. Doing school work with the same girl. We were sisters. Are is the correct term actually. But something inside me telling me we didn't exactly leave each other on the best terms

And now back to the whole Green Lantern thing. "What?" I say, my voice is shaky. He nodded. "I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to put you under arrest." Green Lantern says. "But-I-I don't even remember doing any of that! Besides, I don't even want to conquer Earth!" I exclaimed as tears began to flow down my face.

"Yeah, besides, the only thing Antarctica has is penguins! No one wants penguins." Wally said, trying to defend me. Then Dick spoke up. "John, there has to be something we can do. We can't just lock her up in some space prison, with her not even knowing why she deserves it." Dick says. I give him a small smile, and he smiles back.

John, the Green Lantern, sighs. "I suppose I could say that you are temporarily doing service here, to pay off your debts. But, there would have to be proof." He explains as he begins to pace and rub his chin. "So you're saying that Chloe would have to go on missions?" Kaldur asked for me. John nodded.

"And I couldn't just be done in one simple mission. It would have to be enough to prove to the Green Lantern Corps that you are working hard enough to pay off your crimes." He explained. I nodded following along. I turned to Kaldur and Dick. "Give me a mission please." I begged them. "Chloe, it's not that simple. Missions don't just-" Dick began, but was interrupted by red flashing and an alarm blaring.

I raised my eyebrow. "That's a mission, isn't it?" I asked, and he shook his head 'yes'. A holographic screen appeared. I rolled my eyes as I read it. "Who names themself 'Psimon' and 'Icicle Jr. & Sr.', and who are these 'Terror Twins'? They don't look scary. Why do they take pleasure in destroying them?" I asked Kaldur. Green Lantern turned to me with his arms crossed. "You really don't know anything?" He asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Now if you'll excuse me," I said as I began to walk away, "I need to stop a Psimon and icicle, and two scary twins.". But before I could leave the room, Kaldur put a hand on my shoulder to stop me. "Chloe, on this team we don't do things alone. We do them as a team." Kaldur says. "We're all in this together-OW!" Wally begins to hum, then Artemis hits him in the back of the head.

"Everyone needs to get suited up, now!" Dick yells, and the team runs off to get suited up. 5 minutes later, we're all suited and waiting by the zeta tubes. "Okay, here's the plan." Kaldur says. "Nightwing, Artemis, and Beast Boy will take out the Terror Twins, while Superboy, Miss Martian, and Wonder Girl will take on the Psimon. That means Bumblebee, Blue Beetle, and Chloe will take on Icicle Jr, while Batgirl, Robin, and KF will deal with Icicle Sr. Black Canary, Green Lantern, Mal, and I will supervise and coordinate from here. Everyone got it?" Kaldur explains, and we all nod.

As we were entering the Zeta tubes, Wally tapped me on the shoulder. "You need to work on your name." He said. I almost laughed. "What?" I said. "Your hero name. You know, I'm Kid Flash, Dick is Nightwing." He explained. "Oh, noted. Also, cut Antarctica some slack, I'm sure the penguins are cute." I said. He rolls his eyes and smiles. "You have no idea." He said as we walked into the zeta tubes.

After we all zeated back to the same alley from earlier, we broke into groups and went to find our villains. Icicle Jr. was blue, and blasting ice all over the place. I should've known better. "How are we going to take him down? The whole area around him is ice." I asked Karen and Jaime as I watched Icicle Jr. shoot ice to the surrounding area. "We can do some type of aerial attack since we can all fly. Blue, if you can and Chloe can blast him down, I can focus on distracting him in small points." Karen explains, and me and Jaime nod in agreement.

"Ready, Go!" Karen yells as she shrinks down, which personally I find cool, and me and Jaime fly up into the air. Icicle Jr. He turned, and attempted to blast us with ice, which we dodged and landed, trying our best not to slip. He smiled and pointed at me. "Who's the new girl?" He asked. "The new girl has a name!" I fired back. He rolled his eyes and shot more Ice at us, which we dodged. "And that name is?" He asked, continuing to shoot.

"It's um... a working progress!" I said as I fired beams at the ice coming towards them, disintegrating them. "A working progress? What type of name is that?" He asks as he shoots more ice. "No no, that's not my name! Like, I'm still working on it." I said as I fired light beams at him. "Like, she hasn't come up with one yet!" Jaime said as his suit took the shape of his cannon on the arm, and he fired sonic waves Icicle Jr.

"Got it!" Junior said as he struggled to move against the waves. I saw Karen fly in and begin to shoot at Junior. "Ow! That stings!" He yelled as he swatted around his head. "That's the point?" I said to him, raising an eyebrow at his dumb remark. "Well it's working well. Aren't I just a great distraction?" He yelled back smiling. "Distraction?" Jaime questioned. Right as he said that, something blasted me from the back, and something heavy jumped on me, pounding me to the ground and causing a large cloud of dust to puff up. Whatever it was, I held it up with my hands, and found that it had hands, meaning it was someone.

As the smoke cleared, I made out the features of a woman, very muscular, and very much smiling. "Hey blondie, you look fun." She said as she picked me up by the collar and threw me across the street, to which I crashed into a street lamp. "Aqualad, it's not just the Icicles, Terror Twins, and Psimon, Devastation, Shimmer, and Mammoth are here too!" I heard Karen say through the telepathic link M'gann had set up earlier, "Devastation, Shimmer, and Mammoth are here too!" This was going to be a very long day.

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