Chapter 26: Artemis joins the acting business

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Chloe's POV


"They're both going to end up our responsibility, aren't they?" Mal asks Dick, as he, Conner, and I look at holographic images of Bart and the 'original' Roy Harper. Or Speedy, or Red Arrow, whatever I was supposed to call him, I had yet to meet either boy. "Not necessarily. Bart, or Impulse, should've been staying with Jay and Joan Garrick in Central City, but he's actually here?" Dick asked as he turned to me, and I shrugged. "What about Roy?" I asked as I pointed to the picture of the sleeping kid.

"Roy, the original speedy, is recuperating at Royal Memorial Hospital in Star City. Arrows Green and Red are watching over him." Dick states as he turns to the picture of Roy. "Mmm-hmm. They're both going to end up our responsibilities." Mal says. "Doesn't everything? I mean, where are we on identifying the Light's new partner." Conner says. Dick sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. "No progress." Dick says quietly. "So, necessarily, everything's going to be our problem?" I say, and Conner and Mal nod in agreement.

"La'gaan. Don't eat so fast!" M'gann says as she and La'gaan enter the room. "I can't help it, angelfish! The idea of cooking crabs is amazing enough, but making them into little cakes?" La'gaan says happily as he pops more and more crab cakes into his mouth. "You're gonna choke." M'gann scolds, with a bright smile on her face. "If only." Me and Conner both mutter. If this is why she's using the cooking skills I taught her, I regret teaching her.

"Here, let me." M'gann says as she starts feeding La'gaan. "Mmmm, if that's not true love, I don't know what is, chum." La'gaan says as he turns to Conner, who looks like he's about to explode. "Call me when it's time for the briefing." Conner mutters as he begins to walk out of the room. "Recognized, Artemis, B-07." The system says as the zeta tubes activate, and Artemis walks through. "Time for the briefing." Dick says, and Conner clenches his fists. "Artemis!" M'gann exclaims as she and I run over to the girl.

"M'gann, Clo!" She says as she hugs us both. "How's Wally?" She asks. "How's your fridge?" I ask as I grin. She laughs. "He's... Wally." She replies, and we all laugh. "Welcome back, girl." Mal says as he walks over and Greets Artemis. "Hey, Mal!" She greets. "We miss you around here." Conner says as he comes and stands next to me. "I relish this opportunity to finally fight beside you, Archer." La'gaan says. Silence.

"Um, thanks, La'gaan?" Artemis says after a minute. "Okay, Gamma Squad, listen up. The mission's Cape Canaveral. A covert op to save the first Earth-Mars comm satellite. There are people out there who don't even like the idea of aliens, and will do anything to scrub this launch." Dick says, and M'gann looks down at the floor. "But, that's why I came back, because not all of us feel that way." Artemis said as she placed a hand on M'gann's shoulder, making M'gann smile.

"So why are you going?" Mal asks Dick. "Let's just say that after running this team for a year, I'm needing a little action." Dick says as he grins. But I knew that wasn't the real reason, Dick had briefed me before. So we got prepared, headed off, and I put on my best acting skills.


"If nothing else, we have a nice view." Artemis says as Dick, her, and I look at the surrounding area through binoculars from a tower near the rocket ship. "You guys might, the sun is right in my eyes, though." I say as I look away from the binoculars to get a break from the sun. "Miss M., link us up." Dick says through comms. I hear a ringing in my ears. "Link established." M'gann says telepathically a minute later. "Good, begin aerial sweep of the cave's perimeter." Dick says as he keeps looking out for the binoculars.

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