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                                                                       Sweet Flower Daily Gazette


                                                                        March 13 , 1973

A very tragic event has befallen a local couple , Malcolm and Cassandra Walton , on what should be the happiest day of their lives. Yesterday the couple were blessed with beautiful triplets , Micah Michael , Grace Ann and Theodore Malcolm. Yesterday one of the hospital cribs turned up empty. Young newborn Micah Michael Walton is missing. 

                                                                    March 15 , 1973

In another sad twist for the young Walton family the small body of their missing newborn baby has been found and partially buried in the Appleton Farm woods near Sweet Flower General Hospital. The family is now in seclusion at home with their remaining two newborn children. 


Malcolm and Cassandra Walton , of Sweet Flower and the great republic of Texas ,  lay to rest their young newborn son Micah Michael Walton at the Walton family plot in a private funeral. The young baby is survived by his parents and both sets of grandparents as well as the remaining two triplets Grace Ann and Theodore Malcolm. The family asks for no flowers.

                                             New York City

" He's so beautiful , " the bright eyed frail faced young woman said with much joy as her eyes literally drank in the peacefully sleeping face of her new son. Their son , she thought happily. She smiled up at the tall handsome young man smiling back at her and their son. They were finally a completed family. 

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