Chapter Twenty Three

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Rhodes laughed out loud in disbelief. " Right. Tell another one. I checked you out the very first time you stumbled onto my crime scene. You don't have a brother. "

Theo smiled ironically at her. " Apparently you didn't go far enough. I have a brother. His name was - is - Micah Michael Walton. "

The other people in the over crowded room were currently staring at him and Matt with much curiosity. Theo told the story of Micah that was becoming natural to him even if he didn't understand it at all.

Terri's pretty face showed a lot of compassionate sympathy as she said," That's awful. Maybe Daddy heard about this terrible kidnapping when he worked at the adoption agency. You know how much he hated when bad things happened to children? "

A short and big bodied older White woman was sitting in a plaid armchair near the sofa. She leaned forward to say ," I highly doubt that, Teresa , dear. Your father was too busy when he worked for us to take notice of any torrid news stories. Although it does sound awful. The poor parents. "

Theo asked," Your father worked for an adoption agency? What did he do there ? "

" Why is that your business? ," Rhodes snapped.

" Yes ," Terri said. " For years he did. He worked at Auntie Priscilla's agency. " She waved her chubby hands towards the old woman that regarded Theo with coolness. " He helped take the babies to their new forever homes. Isn't that right, Auntie? "

" Auntie Priscilla? ," Matt asked.

The large woman in her dark blue polyester slacks and colorful blouse looked at Matt with equal coldness. She had tightly curled grey hair and pale blue eyes. " I am Priscilla Young. I owned the Peaceful Refuge Adoption Agency for many years before I finally retired. Maynard was a devoted employee for us. He was invaluable. He made so many families happy. "

Terri's eyes were now on Theo's face. She said gently," Auntie, I think he was trying to make one more family happy. Oh , Meg. If he knew anything about this awful kidnapping then it is apparent he wanted it solved. It may have been his last wish. We have to fulfill it. We need to find Micah. For Daddy. "

Theo turned away from the very intensity of her stare. All of a sudden he felt uncomfortable. Like he was on a stage.

" And ," Matt said," for the Waltons. For Theo. "

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