Chapter Ten

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                  Sweet Flower, Texas
                  Long ago

Five year old Theodore was really fond of cemeteries. They were quiet and pretty. He liked the long rows of marble stones especially the ones in his family's section. They all said WALTON. That was his name too. He was a Walton.

His already intelligent and quick witted eyes fell on one nearby that had a simple angel carved on it along with a name.

Micah Michael Walton.

Just a name.

He wondered who that was, and with all the bristling curiosity of a child asked his mother.

The young blonde woman in the big wide brimmed sun hat and matching pink dress paled beneath her sun tan. Her lips narrowed. " No time for questions, Theodore! Come along. We need to put these flowers on your great uncle's grave and tidy it up. And Grace Ann is already ahead of us ! That girl will be the end of me one day! "

Theo looked back at the small neatly tended grave with it's flowers and felt a sudden urge to stay but he was an obedient child always. Unlike Grace. So he followed his mother.

And nothing more was said about Micah Michael Walton.

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