Chapter Nine

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Theo did like his cousin in law but he wasn't willing to trust her take on his family tree. First she was a bit of a ding bat at the best of times. She made his surrogate son Winnie look like Einstein. Second he knew his history. He'd been living it for fifty plus years so far. Which was why he and Reed were gathered around her and her trusty laptop, looking at her own documentation.

Yes. He had seen his own birth certificate before but he had never looked at it too close. Why should he? He knew everything it said. Or at least he thought he had.

His disbelieving eyes blinked behind his glasses as he read " three living triplets born to Malcolm and Cassandra Walton". He watched as her nimble brown fingers pulled up information on Micah Michael Walton. His brother. His and Grace's brother. The one that according to her research had been kidnapped soon after they were born. The one who was found dead later in a place all the town children used to play at.

" What the fuck," he muttered.

" What's fuck mean? ," Baylee asked with innocent child like wonder.

Reed groaned.

Natalie laughed.

Theo ignored them all because he was too busy stumbling upstairs to call his mother. The mother who had been keeping a secret from him and Grace all their lives.

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