Chapter Eleven

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The next day, at the schoolhouse, Christy is teaching the little boys and girls children at the chalkboard.

The little boys and girls children are sitting at their desks.

The little boys and girls children are sitting at their desks

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

{Christy's Outfit}

Christy writes a sentence, "Good morning, and welcome to class" on the chalkboard with a chalk.

She turns her attention to the little children. "Okay, little ones, can anyone translate what I wrote on the chalkboard?"

The little children exchange looks at each other.

"Don't be shy." Christy said with a small smile.

Marion raises her little hand in her air and Christy small smiles at her.

"Marion?" Christy said.

Marion looks at the sentence and translates it in the ancient Orasanian language. "Kaliméra kai kalós írthes sto máthima." ("Good morning and welcome to class.")

Christy smiles at Marion. "Very good, Marion."

Marion smiles at Christy.

And Christy turns back around to look at the chalkboard and writes two more sentences in chalk.

"Kalimèra." ("Good morning.") Klaus spoke in the ancient Orasanian language.

Christy looks at her husband, Klaus, who is gently leaning sideways in the doorway frame with a smirk.

"Hello, Mr. Klaus." The little boys and girls greeted him.

"Hello." Klaus greeted them with a small smile.

"Hi, Uncle Klaus." Marion greeted him with a small smile and a small wave.

"Hello, Marion." Klaus greeted her back with a small smile.

"Excuse me for a short minute." Christy said to the little children and gently pulls Klaus away and outside of the classroom and in the hallway. "Klaus? What are you doing here?"

"I just came to visit you." replied Klaus.

"It's good to see you too." Christy said with a small smile. "Can you meet me in the main room? I have something to show you."

Klaus is surprised. "Then, I can't wait, Love."

"I'm almost done with class, I'll be just a few minutes." Christy said.

"Alright. I'll meet you in the main room." Klaus said and slowly walks away from her.

And Christy walks back into the classroom.

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