Chapter Thirty-One

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Later that same night . . .

At the MIKAELSON COMPOUND, Elijah and the others walks inside, but stops upon seeing a distraught teary-eyed Klaus sitting upright against the fountain, cradling his wife's, Christy's, dead body, in his arms.

Zenith, Thalia and Max looks at Christy's dead body and becomes distraught.

Thalia gently covers her mouth as a tear rolls her right cheek.

"Niklaus?" Elijah said, crouched down in front of his brother.

"Marcalos. He killed her." Klaus told his brother with a tear rolls his left cheek. "I used her golden dust teleportation to bring her body here, but I couldn't bring myself to cover her body."

"Nik?" A distraught Kol said with a tear rolls down the side of his nose. "We can cover Christy's body with cloth and put it in the ballroom."

"Niklaus?" Elijah said to his brother.

Klaus and Elijah exchange looks at each other.


In the ballroom, Rebekah has wrapped up Christy's dead body in cloth and put it in a Mikaelson coffin, and away from the children.

In the ballroom, Rebekah has wrapped up Christy's dead body in cloth and put it in a Mikaelson coffin, and away from the children

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{Christy's Outfit}

Especially, from Luna and Trinity.

Rebekah gently closes the doors and walks out of the ballroom and into the courtyard where Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Freya and the others.

"We should get you cleaned up, Niklaus." Elijah said, referring to the blood stains on Klaus' long sleeve shirt.

"I'll be fine." A distraught Klaus said.

And then, a rumble of thunder is in the courtyard. The Elder Goddess, Ismene, is in the courtyard, wearing casual clothes.

"Marcalos is in the French Quarter. I can sense him." Ismene said.

"So can I." Zenith said, knowingly, he's an Elder God.

"Then, let's find him." Klaus said.

"Klaus? You mustn't. Marcalos is an Elder God. He's stronger than you, you are no match for him." Ismene said.

But Klaus isn't in the mood for a conversation. "Enough?! He killed my wife?!" He snapped.

Ismene looks at Klaus, understanding his rage and pain.

"Marcalos killed Christy. Everything I've done in the past, my sins, and everything evil that I've done, she's paying the price for it." Klaus said. "I held her dead body in my arms, and I didn't hear her heart."

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