The Secrets He Kept

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Back at home:

3 days later. Bill was leaving for international business in Spain.

Rosey was staying Monday till Friday. She was off only on weekends.
It was Thursday. Rosey was talking on the phone. She handed it to Penda.

"it's for you!" Rosey said.

Panda: Hey hubby, forgot something
Tasia: Oh hubby is not home again... Ouch!
Panda: and you already know that since you CCTV all around my damn house.
Tasia: Your house huh? Uh... Okay! Sure whatever I can play along. Anyway sweetheart, I haven't checked the surveillance yet, been on my book tour. I'm not even in LA.
Panda: what do you want Tasia?
Tasia: I wanted to check how upset you were after finding out everything about me.
Penda: I didn't read your stupid book and what does it matter what I think?
Tasia: ouch! so you read it and hate me more now. How many chapters did you read?
Penda: What does it matter? You are a freaking ex-con.
Tasia: yeah that's exactly what I was afraid you would find out and run away from me.
Panda: what were you in for?
Tasia: Murder.
Panda: so you've been in that long, how old are you?
Tasia: I was in Prison for 2 years Penda. I got out early.
Panda: so when were you dead?
Tasia: I'm dead now.
Penda: Tasia, here is the thing. I don't like complications in my freaking life. If you can't tell me everything that's going on here... I'm gonna cut you out of my life with a protection order. If you like to be in my life... Start talking.
Tasia: Read the first chapters one and 2. You will find your answers. I have to go...

Fantasia hung up.

Penda rushed to her book collection where she left the book. It was gone. She looked everywhere and asked Rosey, but Rosey never saw it.
The book was gone.

She stood there eyes all out. Jaw-dropping. "What Ms Penda?"
"Bill took the book".
"Oh hell no, he is gonna... Bill will kill her if he knows she's alive. She's not safe. I gotta call her."

Penda's head was pounding with all this confusion.

Rosey texted and called Fantasia.

"Rosey please, I'm begging you, please tell me what's going on"
"Bill attempted to kill Fantasia more than 3 times, first with a gun. Second, he hired people to hijack her and then he poisoned her, I saw it and saved her life. She eventually decides to fake her death, Fantasia was never dead, she just had to commit a crime to get arrested, to be taken away from him. He took the kids, and you didn't want the kids, he took them to his sister. He wasn't supposed to find out she was alive yet."

"My Bill, wanted to kill a woman? I want to believe you. But not my husband"
"Like I said a few days ago. You can't handle the truth, Penda. Your husband is not who he says he is, he is a lying, stealing, murderer. And now, he's gonna hide her kids from her. Your book has fucked up everything. I hope Fantasia is okay,"

Penda was left in the living room puzzled.
She called Sophie.
Penda: Hey sis, I was bored and tomorrow we shooting another 'playday with step mummy' episode, I need to use those little brats, can you get them in a car to my house so that I can prepare them for the show?
Sophie: Yes of course I can use a time off. I will send them through. Thank you.
Penda: you welcome.

Penda went upstairs and packed a bag.
Begged for Fantasia's contact numbers from Rosey.
The boys arrived, 13 and 10.
She took them away to hide.

Unfortunately, the boys were not talking to her, they knew she hated them. She tried offering food for the first time ever, offering her coats to keep them warm. Nothing worked, Penda felt like crying because she knew she had burned bridges with them forever and she was crazy about their mother.

She sent Fantasia a message to come pick them up.

After a while Fantasia's SUV parked outside Penda's cabin house. She and the boys got out, she locked the door.

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