The Three Words

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Bonnie stepped inside, Penda's heart was pounding, hiding in the closet.  Bonnie went straight into the closet and saw her behind her fur coat collections. She gasped, screaming dramatically.

"Oh my gosh, I caught her red-handed, she's stealing my clothes!"
"I wasn't stealing anything,".
"what are you doing in my closet?" Penda was tongue-tight, it really looked like she was trying to steal from them. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but nothing came out. "I asked you a question, speak. What are you doing in here alone, holding my coat?" Penda realized the coat she was holding onto, unhooked, and was now in her hand. Her eyes wide opened, and her Jaw dropped.

"shit, the closet Penda really!? I have a lot to teach you"
Fantasia said under her breath before getting out of bed.
"what is all this noise in here, I'm trying to fall asleep?" she asked them.
Wait, wait, you trying to do what now? Come on, don't tell me her wife missed that one.
"Baby looks, I found her in here, trying to snatch my favorite coat, she's stealing from us" Bonnie whined. Penda looked at the coat in her hand, somehow she felt like, Fantasia would think the same about her in that unfortunate outcome.

"I wasn't stealing I swear, I came in here, and this ended up in my hand" she was desperately convincing Fantasia. Bonnie snorted dramatically "How did you end up here in the first place? How did you get past my wife, unless you were sneaking?"
"Fantasia I swear, please believe me, I wasn't trying to steal anything," she said walking closer to her. "don't come near my wife. It is almost 5, just clock the fuck out, we will talk about this when I come back on Saturday night, Cause I have a flight to catch tonight. There will be a meeting!" Bonnie said, "Baby could you get that" She said smiling at her wife while pouting at her traveling suitcase.

"Sure," Fantasia reached for the bag pulled it out, and wheeled it towards her wife. Penda was walking out, feeling sad.

Fantasia rushed after her. She turned her around picked her up and pinned her to the wall. "Hey. Hey, look at me. I believe you. Baby I know I left you in that trap. I was trying to make you think quickly on your own so that I could know you are ready for this. Now, the closet? Not a good place to hide for a maid but a good place to hide for a wife."

"But daddy where was I supposed to go?"
"The bathroom. There is always something dirty in the bathroom. The glass wall, the bathrobes, towels. Mats,... Pretty much everything. You could pick it up and pretend to be doing a load of laundry,"
Penda blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. "I got it, Daddy"

"good fucking girl. Don't worry about that stupid meeting, there is never gonna be one. Go home and rest." Fantasia said letting her go.

"You didn't tell me you were flying out of the Country tonight.."

"just cause I'm not, she is, her cousin is getting married in Paris. Corny ass heterosexual shit."
Penda chuckled. "Eiffel Tower poses?"
"yes, why do people do that? City of love my fine ass!"
Penda chuckled genuinely.. "so you ain't going with her?"
"Yeah no, I don't do weddings, you love each other, we get it, drop dead!" "
Penda couldn't stop laughing.
"So, what I'm hearing is, you will be alone in this big ass house of yours... No maid, no wife, no kids, just You?"
Fantasia smirked. "what you hearing, That's exactly what I'm saying!" Fantasia said. Penda smiled naughtily biting her nail.
"you know, there are a few moves I haven't shown you yet... Few moves you learned from Prisonthath you haven't taught me yet. I could go home, take a long bath, make sure to smell good, come back here, and let the lecture begin" Penda said.
They heard the cringy heels against the floor again. Penda sprinted away.
Fantasia chuckled.
"all packed. Now there is just one thing to do..." Bonnie said approaching Fantasia and putting her hands around her neck.
"And what's that Cinnabon?"
Bonnie smiled, she loved it when her wife called her that. Which is not enough lately.
"Convincing my beautiful Chocolate wife, to go with me"

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