A Second Diamond

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Fantasia then threw the ring across the room, no one knew where it landed. Rosey's jaw was hanging. "You didn't see nothing. I was never here" Fantasia said taking a big bite of her apple while walking away. Rosey rushed across the room towards the direction Fantasia threw the ring. She was hunting, but she was never gonna find it cause it landed under the couch.

Penda opened her eyes!! Heart pounding. It was like she heard or felt what just happened...

She looked at her ring finger. "did she just pull out my wedding ring?" Penda was getting out of the small blankie. Rosey just looked at her. Penda matched to the nursery.

"Are you fucking kidding me.." She snapped. "shush! Baby is sleeping." Fantasia said leaning on her rocking chair, leg hooked on another, chewing her fruit.
"Give me my ring Tasia" Penda demanded. "What ring?" she asked now clicking on her phone, like she didn't care about the childishness that came out of her.
"Oh my gosh, you are crazy!" Penda said. Fantasia lifted her eyes and realized she was really acting childish. She sighed. "Okay I took it off, that was petty and very childish!"
"You think? Give it!"

"Uh, there's just a small problem. I threw it away. I don't know where the ring is!" Fantasia said nonchalantly. Penda's eyes were wide open. "You kidding right? You threw away my 30 thousand million dollar diamond ring?"

"30 thousand is not that expensive. In my opinion, you deserve more diamonds, if you were my woman, I would put a big rock on your pretty little finger"
Fantasia bragged. "Well dummy, I'm not your woman, and I happen to love my ring. So find it or go get a new one" Penda said clicking on her phone.
Fantasia's phone beeped.

"That's the ring, the store my wife bought it from, luckily it is right here in Beverly Hills, I told you how much it cost. I want my ring back Fantasia, you have 12 hours. Liyah can stay the night, I'm too upset to argue, I will come for her, and my ring tomorrow," Penda said storming out.

Fantasia curled her lips looking at the ring on her screen. Luckily for her, she spent the night with her daughter, bonding and having fun, Aliyah was getting better.

The following day, in the Evening around 5.
Penda came to the house. Aliyah ran to her, she picked her up. "Oh, baby girl... You are looking like yourself today. Did mummy take good care of you?" Penda asked. She nodded giggling.

Fantasia smiled. "Let me say good night to my little girl," Rosey said taking the baby out of the room, giving them a chance to talk.

Fantasia cleared her through. "How are you, are you well rested?" She asked walking closer. "I just want my ring, get my girl, and get the fuck out of your life, you are not good for my sanity, you are bad for my peace, I can't keep doing this, do you have my ring?" Penda asked. Fantasia pulled a black ring box from her back pocket. Penda breathed with relief. Fantasia slowly handed it.

"Thanks for.. Thanks!" she said receiving it. She opened it. Fantasia walked away
Her jaw dropped, it wasn't her ring, it was a more expensive ring with diamonds all around and a big sparkly one in the middle. It shined to her eyes, flexing. "Hey wait! This is not. I--what, Tasia..." She was speechless, she wanted the ring more than she needed her wedding ring.

"I know, it's not what you expected. I couldn't find your ring, it sold out" Fantasia said turning to her again.

"Please help me put it on!" Penda was begging, her eyes begging hard. Fantasia walked closer, pulled the ring, and looked in her eyes. "Penda... Would, would you please uh--"

"Yes?" Penda was impatient.
"Would you please bring Liyah for breakfast next week!" Fantasia said. They looked at each other, both knowing very much well, that was not what Fantasia wanted to ask Penda in the first place.
Fantasia pushed the ring on her finger. It fits perfectly.
"You got my size right!"

"yeah well, I have my ways. Enjoy it. good night" Fantasia said walking away. "I can't take it...she will know. It won't be ideal for me to have it on."

"Tell her you lost it and replaced it, what's the big deal?"
"I know it is a big deal to me, so I can only hope it is to her too," Penda said getting it off. "It's stuck. Please help me"

Fantasia rolled her eyes and pulled the ring. She yanked it, and it slipped off her fingers landing far, far away. "damn it that cost me 100k!" Fantasia complained "What? Are you crazy... Stop spending money like that!" Penda punched her and crawled towards the couch, she saw where it landed. She saw two rings under the couch and looked back at Fantasia, but she didn't see anything.
Penda pulled both of them and secretly slipped her ring in her back pocket." Found it!" she announced.

"Good, are you sure you don't want it?"

"I want it if, it comes with a big question."
Fantasia chuckled. "Penda are you crazy.. You want me to propose to a married woman?"

Penda looked at the ring. "I know it is crazy. But I desperately want you to ask me a question" Penda said pouting.

Fantasia blushed. She walked closer to her and lifted her face. "Why are your eyes so fucking hot?"
"Not that Question," Penda said.

"Penda can I please get half custody of Aliyah please" Fantasia seased the moment. "not that either!" Penda said lifting her eyes.

"Say yes to me being in my child's life and I promise you I will get on one knee right here and ask you to marry me!" Fantasia said. Penda felt the goosebumps hearing that...

"for real?"
Fantasia nodded. "I promise!" Fantasia said. They were playing a dangerous game.
Penda pulled a pen and paper from the coffee table and wrote a big yes then... "you are now legally Aliyah's mother" and signed it.

Fantasia smirked. Penda handed the paper. "You now have a reason to fight me in court, here!" Penda said. Fantasia took the paper folded it put it on her back pocket then walked away.

Penda gasped, she felt like she had been played. "You are a fucking jerk ass!" she lashed out. Fantasia smirked secretly, she was hot knowing how much Penda still wanted her. She picked a pillow from the couch and turned back.

Tossed it between them and went down on one knee, Penda's jaw dropped, she was really doing it.

"Penda Smith or whatever your real name is..."
Penda chuckled. "Would you marry me once you get divorced from your now current wife?"
Fantasia asked. "You seriously, we are not just playing right?"

"I know I'm not, I am willing to wait. But you need to get a dignified, fair, very reasonable divorce first and I can't be in the middle of it. Can you do that?"

Penda nodded. "So is that a yes to my proposal?"

"Yes damn it, I waited forever for you to ask me. Yes, Fantasia yes, I will marry you Daddy" Fantasia smiled and pulled the ring from her and put it on.
She got up. Penda hugged her. She then leaned in for a kiss, but Fantasia blocked her with her hand. "no. You are still married to my step-cousin. We need to do this right," Fantasia said, kissed her on the forehead, and finally walked away.
Penda gasped looking on the ring on her finger. "Oh my gosh it is happening!" she said excitedly to herself.

After a while, she left with her daughter.
Got home and found her wife cooking.
"Uh, Nik, what's going on? What are you doing here?"

"You texted me about the baby not feeling good, here I am. Is she feeling better?"
"Oh yes uh okay yes she is, you didn't have to come all the way here"

"I should. I did, here I am. You and my baby girl are the most important people in my life, you are worth every trip." she said kissing her on the chick Penda swallowed hard.
"wait on that couch, and dinner will be ready in 10 minutes" Nikki added.

Penda nodded pulling the baby to the living room. She immediately switched the rings, put on her wedding ring and placed her engagement ring on the piece of jewelry on her neck.

What the fuck is she doing?


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