The Cheater

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"Bitch why?" Bonnie shouted.
"Because I love her!" Penda shouted at Bonnie. She caught herself and took a deep breath. "Cause unlike you, I love her" Penda repeated.
Fantasia looked at Penda. "whoa, you what me?" Fantasia asked with a calm voice. Bonnie dared Penda to say it again. "Baby, I think I love you, okay, I am falling in love with you, no bullshit, you make me feel some kinda way and I like it. Okay, I like it." Penda said with a calm, but frustrated voice too. Fantasia's jaw dropped.
"You sneaky little piece of shit--" "
Bonnie muttered and snatched her hair. Penda gasped, They wrestled. Fantasia was still shocked. She let them go off on each other for a while.
Hair pulling, kicking, punching, pushing, and cursing at each other.

And now!!
Bonnie yanked her earing off her ear, it was a heavy earing, Penda gasped and pulled from Bonnie holding her right ear.
Fantasia noticed blood on her hands. Penda looked in her hand, "Oh my gosh!"

"Is that warning gonna be enough for you skank or should I stick a knife in your chest?" Bonnie asked pulling a knife from a knife block behind her... Penda rushed behind Fantasia... She was really not a fighter.

Fantasia shook her head with a smirk and remained calm.
"Baby move, let me stab that skank!"

"You gonna have to go through me first, baby. Do it stab me" Fantasia said. Penda didn't like that, I mean she witnessed the woman pouring hot water on her without thinking twice. "no!" Penda said attempting to come out, Fantasia grabbed her and pushed her behind her and walked closer to her wife. "stick it right here, it's still fragile from the hot water, stick it" Fantasia said. Penda's heart was pounding out of her chest. She saw death in her peripheral state, she saw bonnie stabbing Fantasia and chopping her in pieces to get away with murder, her tears just ran down,

Bonnie lifted her knife and put it back in the block. "Baby I'm sorry," she told her wife. "but I don't want to see her in my house could you get rid of her please. For me and for good??" Bonnie begged her wife.
Fantasia nodded.
Bonnie went upstairs. Fantasia turned to Penda.
She gasped, the bleeding was severe, it was all over her white dress. "uhm,... Shit! Penda give me your car keys," She said.
"in my purse, Fantasia I'm not feeling so good. I'm gonna pass out"
Fantasia got the key. "Whatever you go, don't close your beautiful eyes okay, I got you. Don't pass out on me" Fantasia took off her shirt and pressed it against Penda's ear, "you've been drinking haven't you?"

"A little"
"shit, you are bleeding severely...dont dare close your eyes, hold this" she made her hold the shirt against her ear. Fantasia got a jacket from The hanger and put it on. "tell me a story, where did you grow up?" she said picking her up to the car.

"I was born in Malibu, I had the best life, until..."
Fantasia put her down and buckled up. She lifted her head and saw her wife watching her from the bedroom window.
"I'm in a lot of trouble" She said under her breathe and got in the driver's seat. "Penda don't sleep on me... What happened in Malibu?" Fantasia said driving away.

"my father died, my mother married another man, he..."
"keep going, what happened?"
Fantasia turned a little, Penda was in tears, she sniffled. "He forced himself on me," Fantasia turned away, eyes on the wheel, she was now quiet. Penda passed out.

"just great, my day is going great, thank you Penda" She said sarcastically. She got to the hospital, got her in the trauma room.
Then waited. The hospital called her emergency contact, Her husband.
"Hi, I'm here to see my wife Penda Smith" Bill said at the front desk. Fantasia heard the voice and turned, it was him. Tall, muscled handsome and hot... But a stinking attitude and dearly heart.
She looked at him before hiding.

He went to see his wife after her ear was stitches up.
"what happened, you went to some hood and some low life snatched your earing?" he asked. "uh, yeah, that's exactly what happened. I'm sorry babe, could you stay with me tonight?" Penda asked, she was really doing her best to make sure he didn't touch Fantasia, did she really care that much about her,?

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