The New Beginnings

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Three weeks later
The verdict came in the morning. Bill lost everything. He could only keep the hard cash he had, and that was not enough to do shit for Penda who was left with it after Bill was arrested.

He wasn't sentenced yet.
Penda was homeless, she couldn't afford the motel they had been staying in anymore.
She was tired of crying. She started looking for a job but it was the same questions everywhere she went.

"Do you have any education?"
"do you have any experience?"
It was the same thing everywhere.
She sold her jewelry and diamonds, and her expensive clothing. The hard part was selling her shoe collection.
She just kept one pair that goes with every outfit and her flat shoes.

She made a little money to be able to afford the motel for three weeks.

But after paying for a week's stay at the motel, she got mugged. a taste of real life for her.
She walked to Beverly Hills to pick up her last box.
She found Bonnie and construction workers renovating the whole place.
"trash!" Bonnie pointed at Penda's favorite art.
"no, I will have that, thank you," Penda said. "everything here baby girl, belongs to us, I mean my wife and I, so... I said trash not give to the homeless," Bonnie said.
Penda's heart broke. She let go of the art. The guys took it outside.

"That's an expensive piece you know. I bought that from a famous Artist in Africa, it is one of a kind, I really love it, you could just let me have it" Penda said. "and where are you gonna put it? On top of your head as a roof?" Bonnie asked.
Penda was speechless. "I left a box of picture frames here," she said
"Yeah, I trashed that too," Bonnie said. Penda looked at her tears running down. "why would you do that? I told Rosey I would come get it once I settled down. It's my family album," Penda said. "I don't care if it was the first family album. It's gone" Bonnie said.

Penda swallowed hard. She was still not talking to Fantasia after what happened the day of court, but she wished Fantasia was there at that moment.
"Where is Fantasia?"
"you mean my wife? She's busy. You don't think she's gonna care about your little precious box, do you? She put me in charge, and I call shots here too, is my house too. So Fantasia can't help you, sweetheart."
Penda stormed out she physically bumped into Fantasia by the exit. Fantasia was just coming home.

Fantasia grabbed her.
"Watch it, baby girl," she said. Penda lifted her face. Fantasia didn't know it was her, Penda's tears were running down her cheeks. "everything okay? I mean of course nothing is okay, what I mean is, why are you crying?" Fantasia whispered. Penda yanked her off and escaped from her touch. She ran. Fantasia turned to her. She realized she was gonna walk. Her wife hadn't seen her yet so she left. Got in her new car and drove slowly in the neighborhood.

She saw her, marching away in her shorts and hoodie. "Hey," Fantasia said, rolling her window down. "need a ride?".
"Leave me alone," Penda said, she tripped and fell.
"ouch fuck. What the fuck is wrong with the universe?" She cussed. Fantasia got off and gave her a hand. Penda reluctantly took it. Fantasia pulled her closer into an embrace.

Penda let it out, sniffling and everything. "you smell so good," She said between her sobs.
Fantasia chuckled. "Do you have a place to stay??"

"Motel! I'm good, I'm gonna find my feet"

"Okay, then why are you crying? She didn't slap you did she?"

"she trashed my family album and my favorite art."

"The African art you speak to before leaving the house? That's mean" Fantasia said. "you saw me do that? It calms me down"

"We will get it back. I will try my best. So... You sure you don't want to work for me? You can be my weekend maid, Rosey is doing weekdays"

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