-2- Plagued By Him

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Miles sat on his double bed putting his head in his hands, he couldn't get that stupid boy out of his skull. Miles knew he was sometimes into boys. He wasn't sure if he was bi or gay yet but he knew he was sometimes into boys, however he'd learnt to repress the feelings over time. Being gay means being bullied at school. It would also probably mean being kicked out at home.

His thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on his door, it opened swiftly revealing his best friend Ross standing there grinning cheesily.

"Hey bro, you're not answering your phone" Ross chastised him plopping himself down on the bed beside Miles. They'd been best friends since middle school.

"Sorry, was at the vets with Lulu" Miles explained with a sigh returning Ross's smile forcibly, however in his head he was still thinking of the boy. He knew who they were. Somewhere he knew. He just couldn't pinpoint a name to the face, or even anything to the face. He just knew it. The freckles, the sweet smile. It was all so perfect, he wasn't sure how he'd ignored the red head whenever they'd previously met.

"You look out of it bro I'm not gonna lie" Ross told him looking confused "everything good?" He added raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah mate, just got a lot on my mind" Miles answered shortly.

A wide smirk appeared on Ross's face at this "Oh no, no no no I know what that means, someone's got a crush" Ross said giddily like a young child.

Miles rolled his eyes blushing slightly "Who is she then?" Ross pressured him grinning like a hyena gazing into Miles eyes.

Feeling like a dagger had penetrated his heart at the word 'she' Miles looked away. He hadn't told Ross yet, and probably never would. It would change things for them he was sure. "No one, I don't have a crush at the moment" Miles replied stonily not looking up at Ross.

"Mhm, well lets play some shit, order some shit, and do some shit, then maybe you'll tell me shit" Ross joked overusing the word shit in a bid to seem cooler. Ross didn't fit in as much as Miles would like. When they'd joined the soccer team it had elevated them both up the social ladder significantly, but Ross never really changed like Miles did. He remained the same goofball he'd always been.

"Never change Ross" Miles said nudging Ross playfully. Ross grinned getting his phone out and ordering them a pizza, Miles got the controllers out from a basket under his TV.

They played call of duty together getting very into the game, both boys had a competitive nature so it only escalated when they played together. After winning another match they cheered.

"This is too easy" Ross commented taking another slice of pizza from the box chomping down on it, Miles hummed in agreement also taking a slice but being less messy with it than Ross.

"I want a real challenge. The game this weekend should be good" Miles told him dryly, the game would be against their rival school so the stakes were high. Their soccer captain Theo had been pushing the team to their limits in training recently.

"It's gonna be all hands on deck yeah. We have to win" Ross agreed chewing loudly speaking with his mouth full sauce spilling out onto the corners of his mouth.

Miles laughed as he wiped it away sheepishly, Ross then started to talk about their tactics, positions and who would be on the benches. Miles wasn't listening though. His head was back in the vets waiting room. Focused on the curly haired perfection that sat opposite him.

The sing song laugh rang through his mind. The dimples on his cheeks as he smiled. The way his chocolate brown eyes shone through his glasses like firelight. Everything about the redhead seemed perfect, yet Miles couldn't remember who he was.

"You know a boy with curly red hair and glasses?" Miles asked abruptly interrupting Ross's tactical talks. Ross looked taken aback for a second.

"Not that I can think of bro, why?" Ross asked suspiciously looking over at him.

"Dunno, saw someone I thought I recognised at the vets. It's bugging me" Miles answered quietly, whilst not entirely lying he wasn't exactly telling the full truth to his best friend either.

"It'll come to you randomly. Like when you're trying to sleep or when you're in the shower" Ross said shrugging his shoulders and tucking into another slice of pizza.

"I suppose yeah" Miles responded trying to sound nonchalant. He didn't want Ross to suspect anything at all was up.

"You gonna be at training tomorrow then?" Ross questioned pressing down hard on the controller as he shot someone in the game. Miles didn't hear him, he was too busy still thinking about the boy. That stupid, adorable boy had completely taken over his mind. He wanted to cuddle him, do sick things to him, kiss him. Do everything with him.

Fuck it. He didn't even know if the red head was gay, let alone remotely into him, heck he didn't even know if he himself was gay.

"Miles bro" Ross nudged him irritably.

Staring back at him in a daze miles just replied with a small hum making Ross laugh.

"You're high on like drugs or something Miles mate, is everything alright?" Ross asked a slight look of concern clouding his brown eyes. They weren't as perfect as the boy from vets eyes though. No where even close. Like it wasn't competition in the slightest.

"Y-yeah I'm good" Miles mumbled back "and yeah I'll be at practice tomorrow as usual. When do I ever miss it?" He joked

"Like all the time" Ross replied with a smirk nudging Miles playfully again. Miles rolled his eyes nudging back making Ross snigger in amusement.

After hanging out for a few more hours it was time for Ross to leave, they said goodbye and Miles watched him walk away into the darkness of the road. Going back upstairs Miles got ready for bed stripping to his boxers then climbing into the soft, warm covers snuggly.

It would've felt better with the red headed boy lying beside him cuddling him tight... what?

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