-3- Realisation

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Loud chatter filled the courtyard as kids rushed about, screaming shouting and yelling at each-other the way kids do. It was all very excitable.

Miles walked over to his friend group who were leaning against the side of one of the buildings laughing amongst themselves. His group was what you'd consider the jocks, they all either played some kind of sport representing the school or were on the cheer squad. The rest of the kids respected them or feared them. Sometimes both

"What's up Miles!" Ross called over to him separating from the group and fist bumping Miles gently, Miles returned it making Ross smile.

"Morning mr chirpy" Miles replied yawning slightly then rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he hadn't slept well at all. He was too busy thinking of the red head. He felt almost obsessive over the boy he didn't even know.

"You gonna be at practice tonight Miles?" A new voice rang out. Theo, the captain of the soccer team eyed him up condescendingly.

"Course" Miles answered stonily "not gonna miss any this week, we've got a big game on Saturday"

"Damn right we have" Theo replied cooly, Ross nodded nervously. Miles noticed he often doubted his abilities despite being almost as good as Miles himself. He was about to reassure his best friend when he felt arms wrap around his waist squeezing him tight.

Laughter erupted from the group as Miles broke free of the grasp swivelling around to see one of the cheerleaders, Jamey, batting her eyelashes at him feigning innocence. She had long brown hair that went down to her waist, muted green eyes that were filled with mischief and a flirtatious grin that followed her wherever she went.

"You've been working out more Miles" she commented with a smirk pushing some hair out of her face looking up at him.

"I know yeah" Miles answered uninterested. She had the most obvious crush on him in the world but just couldn't tell that he wasn't interested.

"You two together yet then?" Ross asked teasingly to Miles making him blush red. The group laughed again at this comment.

"Yeah Miles, why aren't we together yet?" Jamey exclaimed sarcastically trying to grasp his hand in here but he batted her away in annoyance.

"We aren't no" Miles muttered back earning a disappointed murmur from their group of friends. Jamey looked like she was about to try again when the bell saved him.

Hurriedly waving goodbye to his friends Miles headed into the Math block for his first lesson. Maths was a lesson he found excruciatingly boring so when loud shouts echoed from down the hallway he instantly took the chance at being distracted following the noise.

He spotted a circle of people laughing, shouting and pointing in the middle of the corridor, barging his way through to see what all the commotion was about Miles froze dead in his tracks.

There was a small, scared looking boy kneeling on the floor, papers and books scattered on the dirty floor around him, he was scrambling to pick them up as two other boys continuously kicked them out his hands.

"Ready for this Bender Benny?" One asked before pushing him against the locker. The boy hit it with a slam falling to the floor as the late bell rang causing the crowd to disperse.

Miles continued staring at the boy as footsteps faded down the corridor. He had clear rimmed glasses that shielded bright brown eyes the color of chocolate. He had curly red hair that right now looked a bit disheveled, he was wearing a dark green hoodie that was definitely too big for his skinny frame paired with a pair of skinny jeans. It was him. The boy from the vets.

He slowly rose up from the floor readjusting his glasses eyes clearly brimming with tears. Unsure of what he was doing Miles kneeled down directly in front of him. The boy looked shocked for a second before recognising Miles.

Meanwhile Miles recognised him all too well. He didn't know how he hadn't realised who it was before. Benny Parker. The quiet nerd. The boy who everyone tormented for no reason. He'd always turned a blind eye to Benny, but right now he was doing the opposite.

Miles helped Benny collect his papers putting them neatly into his folder which was then placed gently into his discarded rucksack. Benny looked up at him shyly his face full of confusion and doubt.

"W-why are you- you helping me?" He asked timidly his voice quivering with fear.

"You don't deserve to be treated like this" Miles answered with a shrug "How's Liquorice?" He added with a small, friendly smile.

The shy Benny looked completely perplexed as they remained kneeled down on the floor opposite each-other. "F-fine yeah, h-had an ope-operation done. S-should be sorted I-in a few w-weeks"

Miles nodded clambering to his feet then offering the curly haired boy his hand, Benny gratefully took it hoisting himself up. Their hands remained interlocked for a few awkward seconds before they broke apart.

"I'm Miles by the way, Miles Thompson" He informed Benny.

The boy nodded knowingly "Y-y-yeah I- I know. E-everyone knows y-you" he replied sheepishly making Miles heart flutter slightly. This poor boy was so sweet. He really didn't deserve to be treated how he was.

"I-I'm B-Benny Parker. T-though I- I suppose you k-know me as Bender Benny" He said looking hurt as he said the nickname. Miles hadn't actually heard people call him that before today.

"Why do they call you that?" He wondered out loud.

Benny rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, feeling awkward "Cause I- I'm gay" he stuttered back obviously expecting a harsh reaction.

"Oh, cool" Miles replied shrugging, he wanted Benny to feel like it was no big issue at all. If he was in Benny's shoes and he'd just told someone that's what he'd want it to feel like.

"Y-you n-not gonna- gonna do anything t-to me?" Benny questioned in bewilderment failing to make eye contact with Miles.

"Nah, don't see why I would. It's no issue to me" Miles answered shortly "Want me to walk you to your class?" He offered hastily.

"N-no t-thanks, thanks, t-thank you so much, n-no one's ever been this nice to m-me" He thanked Miles timidly with possibly the sweetest small smile in the world before turning away heading down the now deserted corridor.

Miles watched him go feeling insanely guilty. Benny was being bullied, tormented and hurt this entire time, and he'd been turning a blind eye to it. Just another nerd getting his comeuppance, but something felt different about Benny Parker.

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