-4- Cruel Comments

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Miles strolled into his maths classroom late. The teacher watched him walk in with a stern expression folding her arms crossly.

Completely ignoring her Miles nonchalantly stepped towards his table, she fake coughed loudly to grab his attention but Miles couldn't be bothered with her. A couple of his classmates sniggered as he took a seat beside one of the soccer players Tom.

"Anything to say Miles?" The teacher queried looking absolutely pissed off. Miles made an over exaggerated thinking face before shaking his head with a shrug.

"Like, I don't know. Sorry I'm late?" She insisted an exasperated expression crossing her messily make up covered face.

"Oh that's alright miss, happens to the best of us" Miles replied sarcastically, this earned laughter from the people around him and a clap on the back from Tom.

The teacher looked angrier but didn't bother pursuing the issue seemingly realising it was more trouble than it was worth.

"Heard you helped out Bender Benny, what's that about?" Tom asked as worksheets were handed slowly out.

"Don't call him that" Miles responded stubbornly not looking up as one of the complicated equation sheets was roughly handed to him.

"Why not?" Theo questioned from across the table "it's what he is isn't it? Why have you suddenly become a Good Samaritan anyway? Next you'll be doing people's homework for them or something"

"He looked like he needed help. Those kids were being rough with him" Miles replied uneasily, he wasn't thrilled that his moment of aiding Benny had become the latest gossip amongst his friends.

"They were two grades below us, he's our grade. If he's letting them push him around he deserves it" Tom stated jotting down numbers on his worksheet as Theo hummed in agreement.

Miles shook his head in disagreement but didn't want to push it. He couldn't have anyone's suspicions raised as to any ulterior motives for helping the quiet boy.


The referees whistle screeched filling the air with a high pitched scream as the coach jogged over "This kind of play isn't gonna beat Summerville High lads" the coach spat at them bitterly.

Theo looked around at the boys on the pitch in annoyance too "Remember that formation that we agreed on, half of you are out of place. Ross I told you centre defensive midfielder, yet you're straying too far to the right, Jake I told you defensive left, yet you're also straying too far right. That would mean the left would be an open door for Summerville" Theo complained loudly.

Coach shook his head disapprovingly as Theo continued "and Miles, you're normally one of our best strikers, but today you are just not focusing. I need your full attention here" he order Ed sternly snapping his fingers at Miles.

Miles nodded his head exchanging an amused look with Ross, Theo was a tough guy but it was always funny when he was barking orders at them. He was difficult to take seriously sometimes despite being captain.

"Let's do some laps boys. All of you. Then back on the pitch to try again. Move it!" The coach yelled stonily, the boys jostled into action beginning a light jog around the pitch.

"You seem so distracted Miles" Theo panted as they ran, he gave Miles a glance which Miles didn't return instead keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"Sorry" he replied fairly. It was true, his head had been off the game completely. Instead he'd been too focused on Benny. Miles just wanted to run his hands through the timid boys red locks and show him a good time. He was craving it so badly that it was becoming almost an obsession.

"Yeah well just focus up more, okay?" Theo answered coldly before jogging further forward to speak to another boy, Ross appeared on Miles other side. Miles noticed him struggling to keep pace so slowed down slightly to allow him to catch his breath a bit.

"You got told" Ross commented jokingly between gasps for breath as they slowed to a halt back where they'd started. Miles nodded with a small grin looking over at the rash Theo.

Practice continued as normal, however Miles continuously missed easy passes, easy goals and easy decisions. He could tell Theo was getting frustrated with him but he paid it no attention. He just needed some alone time to clear his head of these thoughts about Benny.

As usual loud chatter filled the air along with the stench of sweat in the locker room. Miles took his shirt off sighing to himself "What's going on with you Miles bro, you seem so out of it?" One of the boys asked sending him a strange glance. Miles was getting kinda annoyed now. This was the first time he'd ever been 'out of it' yet everyone was noticing and making a big fuss about it.

Before he had the chance to respond Theo hopped in "Yeah Miles, got something else on your mind, or maybe someone else?" Theo asked suggestively raising his eyebrows.

Miles went red shaking his head "No you prick. Just had a weird day that's all" He answered calmly putting his regular shirt back on.

"You sure Jamey isn't bouncing around in that tiny brain of yours?" Ross countered teasingly making Theo and the other boy laugh.

Giving Ross a death glare Miles pulled his shorts down stepping out of them then grabbing his jeans, however the elastic on them had messed up so he spent a while readjusting it. By the time he had finished and put them on he was the only one left in the locker room.

Sighing he collapsed onto the bench looking around the now quiet, empty room whimsically. He pulled his phone out clicking onto Instagram searching Benny's name to see if he had an account.

He found Benny's page relatively quickly. The profile picture was an adorable shot of Benny taking a selfie on a couch with his pet cat. Miles smiled at it as he scrolled down Benny's other images. Disappointingly all the rest of his posts were pictures of his cat not himself. Though still cute not exactly what Miles wanted.

Clicking on one of the pictures Miles couldn't help but notice a comment on it.

Jake Wheeler: Faggot. Hope someone runs that cat over.

Miles face screwed up at this, it was a horrible thing to say, he scrolled down reading more comments which made him feel sick to his stomach.

Theo Jackson: This is the most pussy Bender Benny could get.

Carla Garcia: Bender Benny furry confirmed? What a faggot!

Shaun Temple: And I thought nothing could be as ugly as Bender Benny, I was wrong. Him and the disgusting ratty furball are as vile as each-other...

Miles put his phone down feeling like crying. Benny got all this abuse from his peers just because he was gay? Just because he didn't fit the 'norm'

Hastily putting on his trainers Miles pocketed his phone never wanting to open it again and storming out of the locker room.

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