-34- Last Resort

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"Come here sweetie" Miles cooed beckoning to Liquorice sweetly, he was holding a pair of scissors in one hand. It was the day her cone could finally come off.

"She play hide go seek" Tiffany squealed excitedly crouching down to look under the table where the cat was.

"I'll tempt her out with some treats" Miles planned cunningly standing up and getting the bag of cat treats they'd retrieved from Benny's house at the same time they'd gotten Liquorice.

"Can I! Please Miles!" Tiffany exclaimed jogging over to him playfully, Miles smiled at her passing her the treat bag, she shook it violently making the soot black cat come sprinting towards her hungrily looking up.

As Tiffany emptied some treats onto the tiled kitchen floor Miles leant behind the cat deftly cutting the ties of the plastic cone. It unravelled sliding off her face as he gently pulled it.

Looking around quizzically Liquorice let out a meow of delight realising the collar was gone, her tail went straight into the air happily as she trotted around the kitchen. She then returned back to where Tiffany was stood gobbling up the treats hastily.

"She happy!" Tiffany said in excitement clapping her hands together softly.

"Yeah, Benny's gonna be really pleased too" Miles commented snapping a picture of Liquorice. He'd already printed loads of pictures out of himself, Benny, himself and Benny, liquorice, liquorice and himself, liquorice and Benny. Also one of the library Benny had mentioned the first time he came round to his house, he'd found it on google maps and taken some screenshots of it then printed those too.

Miles walked back over to the kitchen side picking the roll of duct tape back up. Tiffany gazed over the pictures spread out on the counter top then at the black book beside them.

"Are you making picture book?" She queried standing on her tip toes so she could see what he was doing.

"Yeah, for Benny. So he can have it whilst he's getting better" Miles explained, he gently stuck the first picture in, it was one of him and Benny kissing he'd taken it at the pizzeria on their first date. He couldn't wait to take Benny back there when he was out.

"Why are you two kissing if your both boys?" Tiffany questioned quizzically gazing at the picture in confusion.

"Cause boys can be in love with boys sometimes, and sometimes girls can be in love with girls too" Miles replied evenly as he stuck in another picture, this one was a picture of Liquorice he'd found on Benny's instagram. She was lying in the snow looking absolutely adorable seemingly not caring how cold the white powder was.

"So can I kiss girls?" Tiffany asked curiously.

"You can kiss whoever you love if you have their permission" Miles answered smiling at her.

"I like Derek" Tiffany admitted with a toothy grin thinking of the boy from her preschool.

"Dereks sweet" Miles told her sticking in the final picture, it was the one he'd taken yesterday at the hospital. He planned on giving this scrapbook to Benny the next morning. He was worried how the meeting with his dad was going but knew Benny had his therapist with him so it would be fine.

He watched Liquorice playing with a toy mouse for a moment, she grabbed at it flinging over her head then swivelling around to chase where it had landed playfully. She was completely different now her cone was off.

"Is she allowed outside or to play with Lulu yet?" Tiffany wondered picking up the mouse then throwing it across the room, Liquorice scarpered after it skidding to half and batting it around the slippery floor clumsily.

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