-29- Back To School Drama

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Miles stared at himself in the mirror nervously. It was his first day back at school since everything had happened. It had been a week since Benny was admitted, he wasn't allowed visitors for the first week, but at the end of that day he'd be seeing him for the first time. That was enough motivation for his first day back.

Liquorice suddenly meowed at him from the bed. She was curled up on the end of it still with the plastic cone round her head. Smiling at her sweetly Miles sat beside her stroking the jet black cat softly, she purred loudly enjoying the petting.

Taking his phone out Miles took a few pictures of her for Benny. He knew that would make the redhead happy. It might even bring a smile to his face, he could do with that. A knock then sounded at his door followed by it opening, Ross stood there grinning at Miles.

"Hey mate, how are you?" Ross asked entering the room looking fondly at the cat though staying a good bit away from it due to his allergies.

"Fine yeah" Miles lied shortly, in truth he'd relapsed cutting the night before. Ross didn't need to know that though, Miles needed to be the same person he was when he left otherwise he'd get hurt.

"I thought I should let you know before we set off" Ross started glancing at Miles hesitantly.

"Go on" Miles urged standing up. This didn't sound good.

"Kai... outed you. Everyone knows now" Ross finished with a sigh. Miles nodded bitterly. There was no point crying over this. It did scuffle his plans of being the same jock he was before he left but that was fine, maybe it was even for the better.

"Why are you still speaking to me then? Surely I'll be the freak of the school now" Miles questioned calmly.

"I'm your best friend Miles. I don't care how many boys you fuck" Ross answered firmly with a shrug.

"There were many ways you could've worded that. Of course you worded it like that" Miles laughed bumping his shoulder lightly into Ross's. Ross supplied a cheesy grin before leading the way down the stairs.

Getting into Miles car they set off down the familiar road to school, passing by the curb he'd picked Benny up at Miles couldn't help but stare. He wished he could see the redhead there now, sitting on the curb looking like he wanted the world to swallow him up. That wasn't possible now. Benny was getting the help he needed instead.

Focusing his attention back on the road Miles questioned "Did he tell them all what Benny did too?"

"Yeah... sorry mate" Ross replied apologetically "You'll probably get asked about it today. You just need to keep your cool. It'll be okay"

"Mhm" Miles whispered back, if a single fucker dared make fun of Benny for what he did they'd be having their own trip to hospital he'd make sure of that. Making fun of him for being gay was awful, but he could handle it. Making fun of Benny however, he wasn't gonna stand for.

Entering the gates felt weird, Miles could feel all eyes on him. Hushed whispers were passed in the corridors as him and Ross walked by. Crooked smiles were exchanged by friends as they talked amongst each-other stealing sneaky glances at Miles.

"Hey Miles!" An unexpected voice rang out, Jamey skipped up to him giving him a big hug, Miles accepted but looked at Ross who simply shrugged in confusion "I'm really sorry to hear about Benny, if you ever want to send him flowers or anything my mom runs a florist. It would be on the house" she offered brightly.

"Thank you Jamey, thank you so much" Miles whispered back feeling tears well up in his eyes. It felt like only yesterday she'd called him a faggot in the changing rooms. Now everything seemed to have changed.

"Of course, always here if you need me" Jamey told him before walking away back to her group of friends, the girls in the group nodded at her sending warm smiles to Miles. This wasn't the reception he was expecting from the cheerleaders but he wasn't gonna complain. He returned their comfortingly smiles with a small, pained one trying desperately to make it believable.

"If you're not careful you'll become a cheerleader soon" Ross whispered jokingly making Miles smirk but shake his head.

The bell rang shrilly signifying the start of classes, that was one high pitched nuisance of a sound that Miles hadn't missed. Him and Ross settled down in the science class in their normal seats. Miles felt sad looking over at where Benny normally sat. The space was empty as the class filtered in. He would give anything to see the redhead sat there now. Head facing the front paying dutiful attention to the teacher jotting down every word, but he likely wouldn't be back here for a while.

Miles was jerked out of his thoughts by loud laughter approaching the table, Ross stiffened up as Kai walked towards them Theo and Tom behind him.

"I'm sorry to hear about little Bender Benny Miles, must've been quite the sight seeing him all cut up on the floor" Kai teased nastily venom lining his words.

"Then you instantly started trying to kiss Kai, pathetic" Theo added on folding his arms and looking at Miles with disdain as Tom hummed in agreement.

Miles felt his heartbeat quickening and his blood boiling, it was all going to his head, it was like he could only see red. In an instant he jumped up flipping the table over it landing with a loud thud just short of Kai's feet.

The boy jumped back in alarm looking down as pencils, books and papers scattered onto the floor. All eyes turned to see the commotion as Miles leapt over the table immediately aiming a blow at the bewildered Kai's face.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" Miles screamed at him aiming blow after blow as Kai dropped like a stone from a bridge. He tried to shield himself yelling at Miles to chill out but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

He relentlessly aimed blows at Kai's face making the jock beg for mercy beneath him. Strong hands gripped him pulling him off Kai as Theo stumbled over crouching down beside Kai looking up at Miles with hostility.

Kai groaned in pain sitting up ruby red blood pouring from his nose and lips. "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT KAI? GO ON!" Miles yelled thrashing in Ross's grip as teachers swarmed the scene getting in between the pair.

"Chill the fuck out you psycho!" Theo shouted back supporting Kai as he tried to stand up.

"He deserved it" Ross spat back defensively still clutching Miles shoulder in his grip. The principal was soon on the scene leading Miles away and instructing Kai to be taken to the nurse. Kai and Miles flashed glances of hatred at each-other as Miles walked the corridor. It felt so good beating the shit out of Kai. So fucking good.

The aftermath of his actions were swift, the principal explained to him and his parents Miles and Kai would both be suspended for two weeks. He explained that fighting couldn't be tolerated in his school under any circumstances.

Jennifer quietly agreed but a look of resentment clouded her features, she knew what Miles was going through right now and what Kai had done. Meanwhile his dad agreed stonily with the principal a look of disappointed etched onto his face. He still wasn't aware of all that happened. All he knew was a 'friend' of Miles had tried to kill himself and Miles had found him. Nothing more.

Once home Miles went straight up to his room. He sat beside Liquorice letting the tears flow as he patted her, she purred soothingly resting her head on his lap cutely. Miles took another picture of her for Benny. It'd all be worth it once he saw his boyfriend again. 

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