-21- The Library Gets Heated

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Entering the library with Kai they walked over to a corner table sitting at it then taking their notes out. I've never really stayed behind after school aside from detentions" Kai commented looking around the library in interest. "It's pretty quiet" he added

"It's a library, so yeah" Miles replied sarcastically making Kai roll his eyes. "Which part do we begin with? How about the flash cards, those seem the easiest"

"Sure" Kai answered with a bored sigh. Though not showing it Miles agreed. There was not much he hated more than homework. Especially big homework tasks like this one that didn't even help with exams or grades. It seemed so pointless.

"How do you feel about the mock exams being so close?" Miles asked as they cut out pieces of paper into even, identical rectangles.

"Just gonna wing it. I never study. Prefer drinking, partying, clubbing" Kai told him with a smile.

"I'd rather be doing basically anything else than revise for exams" Miles admitted picking up a new sheet of paper and beginning to cut into it. However he accidentally nicked his finger whilst cutting down slicing off some skin with it. Blood poured out of the small cut mesmerising Miles.

It felt so good. The sting of the pain, the rush of adrenaline. Watching the blood slowly trickle out and stain the perfect white paper with a ruby red shimmer. It reminded him how good cutting felt, how much control it used to give him.

"Oh my god Miles are you okay?" Kai questioned looking at his bleeding finger in concern. Miles didn't respond however, he didn't even hear Kai. He was too busy focusing on it. Having memories of sinking a blade into his arm. Memories of sitting in the bathtub alone one night. Digging the knife in, realising he'd gone too far, screaming for help before passing out. It was all flooding through his mind. How enticing it was. The temptation to start again.

"Miles?" Kai yelled waving his hand in front of Miles zoned out face. Miles snapped back into reality hissing in pain as he moved his finger.

"Here let me" Kai instructed taking Miles hand firmly and dabbing some sort of anti septic wipe onto the cut. It stung slightly making Miles wince but he didn't show it.

"You are so clumsy, how on earth did you manage this with safety scissors?" Kai asked stifling a laugh as he looked up at Miles in amusement.

"Lost focus I guess, got distracted" Miles confessed sheepishly watching as Miles retracted the now blood covered wipe producing a bandaid from his bag.

"Oh yeah? Am I that cute?" Kai joked gently sticking the bandaid around Miles finger ensuring it stuck before letting go "sorted"

"So you didn't have a pencil. But you have anti septic wipes and bandaids?" Miles asked in amusement.

Kai shrugged leaning back in his chair and stretching "My ex boyfriend was super clumsy, used to always scrape his knees and arms doing parkour shit. It'd drive me mad so I started carrying stuff like this with me everywhere and got first aid training. Never really stopped after we broke up" Miles explained nonchalantly throwing around the word boyfriend.

"It's come in handy a lot, a different ex once passed out cause the idiot forgot to drink during a heatwave. And I knew exactly what to do. Same with when my sister trapped her fingers in the door. She was gonna go to hospital but I told her not to and just wrapped her fingers up like part of the course had taught me to" He added on looking proud of himself.

"So you're gay?" Miles questioned intrigued.

"That's what you took from that?" Kai countered in amusement "yes I am"

"Same" Miles admitted quietly.

"No shit Sherlock" Kai answered sassily raising his eyebrows at the apparently obvious reveal.

"You knew?" Miles shot back alarmed.

"I have an 100% accurate gaydar. Never been wrong" Kai told him slightly smugly smirking at the revelation.

He then placed his hand on Miles thigh creeping it slowly upwards towards his crotch. Miles hitched his breath staring at Kai unsure.

"You getting excited hm?" Kai asked seductively leaning closer. Just then the library door swung open, Kai leaned back retracting his hand and straightening up. Miles jerked his head over to the door seeing a familiar curly haired boy enter the library.

"Let's finish this later" Miles told Kai standing up and collecting his things together. Kai passed him another wink clearly taking the remark a different way.

Miles rushed over to where Benny had sat down sitting opposite him smiling "Hey" he whispered out surprising Benny who jumped slightly.

"Hi" Benny answered smiling back sweetly at Miles readjusting his glasses.

"You doing okay? Anyone said anything about.. you know" Miles inquired gesturing to Benny's face. Benny ran his hand along the bruises self consciously before shaking his head.

"I-I think people j-just assume s-some bully d-did it" he theorised shrugging his shoulders preciously.

"Anyone given you any trouble in general?" Miles prompted leaning forward slightly.

"N-nothing more than t-the usual" Benny answered biting his lip anxiously. "J-just been s-so worried p-p-people will find out m-my dad h-h-hits me"

"I know, I'm sorry Benny" Miles muttered still feeling pissed off at Benny's dad "once you've finished that worksheet wanna come round to mine?" He offered trying to lighten the mood.

"Y-y-yeah that would be- be nice" Benny responded blinking gratefully "I- I might be a while t-though" he added showing Miles the worksheet was in fact a mock test booklet.

"Any chance you could do that later?" Miles requested cocking his head to the side.

"N-no, it's d-due tomorrow" Benny replied stubbornly.

"Nerd" Miles joked earning a playful feigned slap from Benny.

"You know the way to my house right?" He asked.

"Y-yeah" Benny stated jotting down some notes as he spoke.

"Meet me there then, I'll see you there?" Miles told him standing up and beginning to head out of the library, however a hand gripped him pulling him weakly back. He turned to see Benny staring up at him timidly.

"I- I do wanna be y-your boyfriend Miles"

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