-33- Hospital Kisses

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Miles sat in the over lit hospital waiting room in anticipation. The cat carrier containing Liquorice was mounted on his lap. She was meowing bitterly hating every moment of being inside the metal box as usual, but Miles knew it would be worth it once she saw Benny again.

It was only yesterday he'd been in the hospital meeting the new family for Benny. Once they'd finished that appointment they went out for a meal with them, Benny obviously couldn't come but it was good to get to know the couple better, they were definitely the right fit for Benny. Miles could feel it.

"Mr Thompson?" A voice rang out across the otherwise silent waiting room. Miles stood up heaving the cat carrier with him as they walked down the now familiar corridor towards room 43. Miles knocked then pushed the door open. Benny was sat at the desk looking bored out of his mind, Miles noticed the rubix cube was now solved.

"Miles!" Benny exclaimed standing up trotting over to him to give him a hug, then noticing what he was holding. A look of pure joy set across his face as Miles gently placed the cat carrier onto the floor opening it slowly.

Liquorice stepped out cautiously, then gazed up at Benny letting out a meow and a purr. Benny knelt down joyful tears descending down his face as he stroked her. She purred noisily dancing around him like an acrobat getting on his knees then around his back.

Benny giggled at her antics looking so very happy to see her "H-h-how has she been?" He asked nervously glancing at the plastic cone the soot black cat still adorned.

"It's coming off soon, like in a couple days" Miles informed him with a grin, Benny looked even more excited now as he fondled Liquorice's head lovingly.

"G-good girl" he whispered to her as she began to explore the room sniffing in every corner, jumping onto the furniture and having a good kneed around on the bed covers.

"Kai got expelled" Miles commented as they watched the cat explore the room, Benny looked up at him in surprise before nodding his head.

"G-good" he replied with little emotion.

"Theo's been suspended too" Miles continued with a satisfied tone.

"Good" Benny repeated nodding again.

Miles could tell there was something Benny wasn't telling him, his mannerisms had changed. He was fiddling with his fingers anxiously his eyes darting between the floor and Liquorice concern clouding his chocolate brown eyes.

"M-my" he started but paused looking at the ground.

"Go on" Miles encouraged shuffling closer to him as they were still kneeled on the ground.

"M-my Dads v-visiting me t-tomorrow. H-he got arrested and- and stuff" Benny told him quietly.

"You sure that's a good idea? seeing him. You can say no now Benny, you don't have to be scared of him anymore babe. You're safe now" Miles urged taking Benny's soft smaller hand in his own squeezing it tight.

"I- I know, I- wanna see- wanna see him though, o-one last time t-then never again" Benny explained categorically his eyes determined.

"Can I come? I don't like the idea of you being alone with him" Miles suggested concern lacing his every word. He thought this was the worst idea ever.

"I-it's fine, m-my therapist will b-be there and- and so will a police o-officer" Benny reassured him confidently giggling slightly as Liquorice crashed into a table leg due to the plastic cone looking perplexed at why she couldn't fit through it.

"Are you sure about this Benny, what if he says bad things to you, makes you hurt even more" Miles whispered out worriedly.

"I- I don't think t-that's possible" Benny admitted shyly, he smiled again as Liquorice strolled over to him putting her front paws on his lap meowing up at him brightly. Miles smiled too snapping a quick picture on his phone as Benny looked down at her lovingly.

As the camera noise made a click Benny turned to look at him narrowing his eyes "D-delete that" the redhead insisted blushing his turning as red as his hair.

Miles looked at the picture proudly, it was so cute. "Not a chance babe, you look so cute in it" Miles responded smirking and showing it to Benny.

"No I don't! I'm making such a nerdy, lovey expression that's so embarrassing!" Benny exclaimed reaching over to snatch the phone away. Miles pocketed it ruffling Benny's curls up teasingly.

"Love you Benny" Miles whispered as Benny pouted at him in embarrassment.

"I had a ph-phone call with Cassandra and A-Alex too this- this morning" Benny told him smiling still red as a tomato.

"Was that alright?" Miles queried stroking liquorice softly between the ears making the black cat purr loudly.

"Y-yeah. They- they are so nice" Benny commented happily, he seemed genuinely excited for his adoption process to begin which made Miles in turn also happy. Adoption processes often took months or years especially for someone older with problems like Benny had. So the fact he'd gotten people this quickly was such great progress.

"How long do you think you'll be in here for?" Miles asked leaning closer to Benny, Benny nuzzled himself into Miles sweater comfortably.

"L-like another- another month m-maybe, m-my doctors are optimistic" Benny answered with a small shrug.

"What about you though? Are you actually feeling better?" Miles queried raising his eyebrows and tracing circles on Benny's scrawny knee.

"Y-yeah, I- I still d-don't really wanna be, you know.. a-alive. But I- i think with y-you and a s-supportive f-family I- I might get better" Benny explained hopefully watching Liquorice chase her own tail in circles unable to see it properly due to the cone.

"I think so too" Miles reassured him planting a soft kiss onto the redheads forehead. Benny snuggled in closer fully leaning onto Miles cutely. "Comfortable?" Miles asked with a smirk

"Y-yeah" Benny mumbled yawning softly "I- I love you Miles"

"I love you too Benny, forever" Miles replied kissing his forehead again.

"Forever" Benny repeated shutting his eyes slowly. Miles let him drift off into a sleep laying comfortably against Miles body. He'd do anything for this boy.

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