-27- Butterfly Effect

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"He's stable, I can feel a faint pulse!" One of the paramedics shouted shoving an oxygen mask onto Benny's face. The other quickly applied pressure to Benny's arms using towels in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Miles watched silently from the corner of the room desperately praying they were right, he'd felt no pulse. He'd seen no sign of life. Maybe they couldn't save Benny...

They then loaded Benny's motionless body onto a stretcher carrying it down the stairs and into a waiting ambulance. Miles hopped in the back with them receiving no challenge from any of the paramedics as the door slammed behind them.

The sirens whirred noisily as the ambulance sped down the roads at full speed. Cars made way for it swerving to allow it entry as it continued on its route to the hospital.

The paramedics were still firmly holding the towels in place ensuring pressure remained applied to Benny's cut up arms.

"I'm so sorry Benny" Miles whispered leaning in from his seat and kissing Benny's cold, pale forehead "I love you baby, you're gonna be okay. They'll save you my love" He assured Benny, even though it was likely the redhead couldn't actually hear him.

Miles then looked up at one of the paramedics pleadingly "Will he make it?" He asked dreading the answer. The two paramedics exchanged glances before the one he'd asked replied.

"I don't know, I can feel a pulse but it's weak and fading. If we get him there in time I think he'll have a chance at recovery" She informed him professionally using a gentle tone.

Nodding his head Miles slowly ran his hand through Benny's soft curls. "Open your eyes please my love. You can do it" Miles begged salty tears beginning to slip from his own eyes.

The ambulance pulled into the hospital ambulance bay and the paramedics immediately jumped into action wheeling the stretcher out the ambulance and into the automatic double hospital doors. Miles followed them keeping pace through the narrow corridors. Eventually Benny was wheeled into a room where quick shouting came from within. Miles rushed to enter but was blocked by one of the paramedics coming out again.

"You can't go in sir I'm afraid" she told him kindly "the waiting rooms just down there. My colleague is giving them all the details now. They'll call for you when they've finished. God speed" she added patting Miles shoulder comfortingly.

Feeling sick to his stomach Miles slowly walked down the corridor reaching the quaint waiting room. It smelt of a hospital. That generic, stuffy hospital smell.

Sitting down on one of the chairs Miles put his head in his hands. If he'd done just one thing differently this whole mess could've been avoided and Benny could've been sat with him in his room watching a shitty movie or talking about the newest book he was reading with that sweet, naive smile on his face.

If he'd gone after him when he ran away, if he'd gotten to his house quicker, if he'd never agreed to the strip game with Kai, if he'd looked up at who was at the car door instead of just opening it, if he'd picked someone else as his partner for the science project. Heck if he'd never even spoken to Benny the redhead wouldn't be lying in an operating room right now bleeding out and having his stomach pumped.

Feeling his phone suddenly begin buzzing from his pocket Miles got it out, he accepted the incoming call.

Theo's voice filled his ears sounding pissed off "Where the fuck are you? We are starting practice in 5 minutes" he snapped at Miles.

"I'm not gonna be there" Miles mumbled back quietly.

"Oh let me guess, you're too busy making out with Bender Benny? Faggot" Theo hissed back clearly still not over being hit or what he'd seen.

"Fuck you Theo, I'm quitting the team. Go fuck yourself" Miles countered angrily before hanging up on Theo uninterested in his response. He then scrolled down his contacts finding Ross's name. Tears began to fall down his face as he rang.

"Yo Miles, where are you? We have practice" Ross said as he answered the call.

"Benny tried to kill himself" Miles blurted out immediately a sob then escaping from him. The line went completely silent as Miles sniffled trying to hold back the tears.

"I'm on my way Miles, send me your location. I'll be there" Ross told him after the brief moment of silence.

Miles thanked him hanging up the call and texting Ross the hospital location plus the waiting room number. He then put his head back in his hands letting the floodgates open and the tears fall. He sobbed for the next ten minutes feeling like everything was crumbling around him.

Once he felt he had no more tears to cry he sniffled, putting his head up and just waiting. Waiting in complete silence. People bustled around him but he paid them no attention.

Ross suddenly appeared down the corridor jogging to a halt in the waiting room panting heavily. He spotted Miles rushing to his side seating himself beside him "I'm here bro, it's okay" Ross whispered hugging Miles softly.

Miles embraced back resting his head on Ross's shoulder weakly. He'd never been more afraid in his whole life than he was right now. The image of seeing Benny lying on his bathroom floor covered in blood was haunting him frozen into his mind.

Another pair of footsteps hurried over to them, Miles didn't bother looking up keeping his head firmly pressed onto Ross's shoulder.

"I found a parking spot" Kai's voice rang out. Miles felt anger building up inside him as he snapped his head up.

"Kai drove me here" Ross explained gesturing to Kai.

Kai smiled sympathetically at Miles "Are you okay Miles?" He asked leaning down slightly to be at eye level with Miles who was sat down.

Jumping up Miles shoved Kai backwards, Kai yelled in surprise stumbling backwards barely managing to keep his balance.

"Dude!" Ross hissed also standing up gripping Miles roughly.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Miles screamed at Kai who's face had turned to a confused expression now.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Kai shouted back aggressively getting in Miles face.

"You fucking kissed me in front of him, you fucking made me play that stupid game. YOU MADE HIM DO THIS!" Miles yelled head butting Kai hard. Kai stumbled back again rubbing his head in pain.

"You're fucking crazy Miles. You led me on you whore! Just like you did with Jamey, do you find it fun? Leading people on then breaking their hearts, is that why he did it, did you break his heart too and the pathetic little nerd couldn't handle it?" Kai pressured as Ross let out a gasp of shock.

Miles stared blankly back at Kai who had seemingly realised what he'd just said. He hurried out of the waiting room as hushed whispers of onlookers filled it. Miles sat back down breathing heavily. Ross was silent, still with his hand comfortingly on Miles back.

"Partner of Benny Parker?" A sweet, quiet voice called out. Miles stood up looking over at a young nurse "right this way sir" she told him solemnly.

"You'll be okay" Ross whispered as Miles followed the nurse down the corridor, she opened the operating room door and he entered heart beating fast praying Benny was okay...

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