-19- Beating

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After the confession Benny and Miles stayed in his room for the afternoon watching shit movies and talking about random things. Once it was time to go Benny got changed back into his former clothes that had now dried off.

The pair then hopped into the car Benny directing Miles to his house quietly. Miles did remember the way but quite liked hearing Benny's soft voice call out directions to him.

They pulls up outside Benny's disheveled house the engine grinding to a halt. Exchanging a glance in the comfortable silence Benny's chocolate brown eyes shone with tears.

"T-t-thank you Miles, f-for not thinking I-I'm some k-kind of freak" Benny thanked him quietly.

"You're welcome Benny, I'm always here for you buddy okay?" Miles replied the term buddy stinging more than it should.

"Text me when you're inside just so I know you're okay" Miles requested, Benny smiled slightly at him and nodded in understanding. He then climbed slowly out of the car letting the wind shut the door behind him as he trotted back up to his front door.

He gave Miles one last glance before going inside sheltered from the rain. Miles sighed a pang of loneliness rushing through him as he stared at Benny's contact on his phone. He waited for a message to come through signifying Benny was okay, but nothing happened. No message buzzed through. Just silence.

Feeling worried Miles refreshed the page hoping that a message would appear and Benny would be safe, but still nothing arrived. Feeling even more concerned now Miles scrambled out his car approaching Benny's front door hesitantly. He knocked firmly on it. Last time he didn't receive a response first time so after waiting a few seconds he knocked again, still nothing.

Quietly Miles tried the door, it was surprisingly unlocked. With slight hesitation he opened it stepping inside. He was immediately met with two things, one being the stench of rancid alcohol filling the air. The other being yelling coming from an adjacent room. Outside the rain had drowned out any sounds, but inside he could hear it clear as day.

"YOU ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS YOU LITTLE SHIT" A male voice boomed followed by a loud thud, a small, barely audible whimper followed this which Miles recognised as Benny. He felt his heart shatter in two as he poked his head round the corner of the doorway.

The scene in front of him almost made him gasp in horror. Benny's Dad towered over the small boy a beer bottle in one hand and the other gripping Benny against the wall tightly. He was whispering something into Benny's ear making the redhead nod clearly petrified. Benny's dad then stepped back a look of pure hatred plastered onto his face.

"Do you understand faggot?" His dad snarled aggressively demanding on answer. The insult made Miles recoil slightly as he held his breath waiting for Benny's response.

Benny nodded a small nod his body shaking in fear "Use fucking words you failure" his Dad hissed dropping the beer bottle he was holding onto the floor allowing the remaining contents to spill onto the carpet staining it.

"Y-yeah" Benny replied quietly "s-sorry"

"STOP. FUCKING. STUTTERING" His Dad yelled back angrily saliva spewing from his mouth flying in all directions. Miles then watched as his Dad shoved Benny hard. The boy lost his balance with a small shriek landing heavily on the floor whimpering in fear his glasses also falling to the carpet beside him.

"P-p-please Dad" he whispered out in terror squinting up at his dad pleadingly. Knowing he had to do something Miles backed away, he retreated out of the house before shutting the door softly. Then he practically slammed his entire body weight against it and aggressively knocked a few times.

The door swung open a few seconds later revealing Benny's Dad looking absolutely enraged at the noise.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at? Trying to break down my door?" His barked viciously at Miles.

"I'm here to see Benny. Where is he?" Miles answered calmly keeping his composure despite wanting to do nothing more than beat the living daylights out of this disgusting man.

"He's not free right now" His Dad replied dismissively. He was about to slam the door in Miles face when Miles answered him.

"I know what you're doing to him" He stated stonily folding his arms and eyeing Benny's dad up. A look of alarm flashed through the man's face the words seemingly sobering him up instantly.

"So Benny is coming out with me right now, or I call the cops" Miles told him firmly. Grunting in pure anger Benny's dad retreated inside, coming back a moment later and shoving Benny out the door, the boy stumbled out barely keeping his footing on the muddy path.

"If he isn't back by tomorrow, there'll be hell to pay" His dad vowed before slamming the door shut so hard the house shook ever so slightly.

Miles wordlessly led the scared Benny to his car opening the passenger door for him, Benny slowly climbed in sitting in the seat and immediately pulling his legs up to his chest placing his head on his kneecaps.

Hopping in the other side Miles started the engine allowing the car to heat up.

"You gonna tell me what's happening?" Miles asked evenly, he already knew but didn't want Benny to feel uncomfortable with his knowledge. He'd rather the boy shared it himself.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Benny squeaked out his eyes wide as he looked up at Miles "y-y-you were never- never meant to f-find out a-about any of this, n-not my cuts o-or m-my dad, I-I'm sorry"

"I'm always here for you Benny. You can tell me anything. I promise" Miles whispered back urgently.

"I-I'm so scared" Benny stuttered out "o-of m-my d-d-dad, o-of school, of everything" he then admitted looking away embarrassed at his confession. Miles felt his heart twist at how ashamed Benny looked, he had looked the same nearly any time he'd said anything was wrong. It was like he didn't believe he deserved help or that all the thing she dealt with on a daily basis were silly.

"Want me to call the cops?" Miles questioned seriously "they can lock your dad up for good"

Benny looked up frantically at him "H-he'd kill me Miles, d-d-don't call the- the cops pl-please Miles I'll do- anything" Benny begged him tears forming in his broken brown eyes again.

"But they'll help, they'll get him away for good" Miles answered calmly trying to convince Benny this was the right to do.

"P-p-please Miles, don't" Benny pleaded looking absolutely terrified and clearly on the verge of a breakdown.

"I won't. Benny listen to me. I won't. Look at me Benny. I'm not calling them, take a breath" Miles reassured him calmly. As much as he desired to call the cops and get the vile man Benny called dad away from him for good. It wasn't his call to make. It was Benny's.

"Cmon, you can stay the night at mine again. Let's go" He then told Benny, the boy nodded timidly leaning against the car window his legs still tightly up and his arms wrapped around them protectively. His face had multiple fresh bruises on it too. Miles assumed the rest of his body did as well but it was concealed by the clothes he was wearing.

"I'll protect you Benny, you're safe with me" Miles reassured him driving steadily back in the direction of his house. Arriving back there he parked haphazardly wanting to get Benny inside as quick as possible, but as he glanced over he smiled softly. The redheads eyes were tightly squeezed shut. He was fast asleep leaning against the car door cutely.

Gently picking him up cradling the boy in his arms Miles carried him inside, going up the stairs was a challenge to say the least but he managed it kicking his door open and softly placing Benny on his bed.

"Sweet dreams Benny, sweet dreams"

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