-14- Coming Out

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Benny sat on the concrete step shivering like a leaf with only a hoodie and jeans to keep warm, he had his hands stuffed in his pockets, his glasses were wet with tears and his face had a new bruise protruding on it.

"What the fuck?" Ross whispered standing beside Miles gazing at Benny in confusion as he stared meekly back.

"Benny?" Miles whispered beginning to walk down the drive towards him, however Benny jumped up sprinting over to him and wrapping his arms around Miles tugging himself tightly into the boy then sobbing quietly onto his shirt.

Miles returned the embrace looking at the bewildered Ross and shrugging. "What are you doing here Benny?" Miles asked softly.

Ross nodded his head eyeing the curly redhead up curiously. Benny sniffled further burying his face into Miles jacket then letting out a muffled reply "S-s-sorry"

"Let's go inside, cmon buddy" Miles reassured him gently stepping back then leading Benny inside, Ross followed behind a look of concern on his face mixed with clear confusion.

Heading up the stairs Miles led the way into his room, the three boys entered shutting the door softly behind themselves. Benny immediately collapsed onto the floor back against the wall pulling his legs up to his chest pitifully.

Ross sat on the bed looking down at the scrawny mess beneath him, Miles plopped down beside him sharing a troubled look with him.

"Buddy, what happened?" He whispered to Benny staring down at him kindly.

Benny's innocent chocolate brown eyes ascended upwards fixing onto Miles blearily. "D-dad kicked- kicked me out again, h-h-has another p-prostitute r-round" he mumbled quietly looking ashamed of himself.

"Damn" Ross whispered not loud enough for Benny to hear but Miles caught it.

"Did he hurt you?" Miles pressed gesturing to the new bruise on Benny's face. Bullies couldn't have done that because Benny hadn't been in school.

"N-n-not on p-purpose" Benny stuttered back alarm filling his eyes as he slowly took his glasses off, distracting himself by wiping the salty tears off the glass.

"But he did?" Miles countered a pit growing in his stomach.

"H-he pushed m-m-me over yeah, w-w-was only meant to- to be a light s-shove to get me o-out b-but I was clumsy and- and stumbled" Benny explained still not looking up as he placed his glasses back on gingerly.

Ross shook his head clearly not believing what Benny had said. Miles wanted to believe it, wanted to believe that Benny's dad didn't hurt him, but he couldn't deny the proof he'd seen.

"Your clothes are soaking and dirty" Miles commented glancing at the boys muddied jeans and dirt covered hoodie. He then stood up rifling through his drawers finding the smallest pair of jeans he could along with a medium sized hoodie, it would be a bit oversized on Benny but it'd do.

"Put these on buddy, then we can talk properly" Miles instructed handing him the clothes gently. Benny scrambled to his feet nodding before leaving the room as quietly as he'd entered, a second later they sound of the bathroom lock clicking indicated Benny was getting changed.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ross asked leaning back "why did he come here if his Dad kicked him out?"

"I found him on the road a few days ago, let him stay over here cause he was distraught" Miles answered with a small sigh.

"You're going soft" Ross joked bumping his shoulder into Miles playfully. Miles flashed him a smirk but nodded in agreement.

"I never liked how they treated that kid" Ross confessed looking slightly guilty "I just, don't dare stand up to it you know. Then my neck would be on the chopping block too"

Miles nodded understandingly, he felt the same way. "What would do if, I was gay?" He asked Ross uncharacteristically running his hand through his short, brown hair.

"I'd wonder why you didn't tell me sooner" Ross answered after pausing to think about it. Miles hummed in response not looking up "so why didn't you?" Ross asked stonily.

Miles looked up at him in panic "What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell me A that you're gay and B that you have a massive crush on Benny?" Ross questioned a small smirk flickering onto his face.

Miles felt his own face heat up as he smiled sheepishly "Didn't know how you'd take it, and I do not have a crush on him, I'm just helping him out" he retorted indignantly.

"I have never in my life heard you talk to someone as softly as you did to him. Or look at someone the way you look at him, let alone a girl" Ross told him folding his arms in amusement.

"Whatever" Miles replied in embarrassment.

"But yeah. I'm not one of those homophobic bastards, I'm happy you finally told me" Ross assured him with a warm grin on his face.

Miles returned it with a smile "Thanks mate"

Ross then stood up putting his shoes on hastily "I'll leave you on your little date" he told Miles.

"I'm not into him!" Miles insisted feeling his face heat up for the second time, Ross rolled his eyes not believing Miles in the slightest.

"Go for it Miles. Just ask him. Jamey asked you today, if she can pluck up the courage to ask a gay guy out, so can you" Ross said confidently "you're also never hearing the end of this, the jock and the nerd, it's a classic" he joked slamming the door shut.

His footsteps echoed down the stairs then the front door opened and closed. Miles sighed thinking about his best friends words. Benny didn't even know he was gay yet. So much had happened so quickly today, he wasn't sure he could take much more.

Soft footsteps now sounded in the hallway, a knock followed at the door. "Come in" Miles yelled, Benny slipped back into the room. He looked cute as hell in Miles clothes, they were too big for him for sure but that almost added to the look.

"S-s-sorry I took so- so long" Benny stuttered sitting down beside Miles on the bed.

"Don't worry about it, Ross had to go. Don't worry though, he's a gooden. He won't tell anyone what you said" Miles told him comfortingly.

"T-t-thank y-you Miles, s-sorry I j-just showed up like- like that, I- I didn't know where else to g-go" Benny apologised itching at his arm irritably.

"Stop apologising for everything buddy" Miles whispered gently.

"S-sorry" Benny squeaked out predictably, he then covered his mouth realising he'd done it again. Miles chuckled running a hand on Benny's back comfortingly.

"You can always come here, always" Miles assured him kindly, Benny looked up at him gratefully their eyes meeting briefly before they both looked away hurriedly. Damn this kid. He was so perfect.

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