Chapter 9

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[As the dust settles and the adrenaline of battle begins to fade, Batman, having reverted back from his Baby Gronk form, and the Ohio Final Boss stand side by side, surveying the defeated form of Caseoh lying on the ground.]

Batman: [Gazing down at Caseoh] He may be defeated, but he still holds valuable information. We need to find out where Kai Cenat is being hidden.

Ohio Final Boss: [Nodding in agreement] Agreed, Bats. Let's see what he knows.

[Together, Batman and the Ohio Final Boss approach Caseoh, who is struggling to regain his composure after the devastating defeat. With a determined expression, Batman kneels beside him, his gaze piercing as he prepares to interrogate their fallen adversary.]

Batman: [Intensely] Where is Kai Cenat, Caseoh? Tell us, and maybe we'll go easy on you.

[Caseoh, though battered and defeated, sneers defiantly, his eyes flashing with malice.]

Caseoh: [Spitting out a mouthful of blood] You think you've won, Bat? You haven't seen the last of me... or the Joker.

[Batman's jaw tightens, frustration simmering beneath the surface. He knows that extracting information from Caseoh won't be easy, but he refuses to give up.]

Batman: [Voice low and dangerous] We'll deal with the Joker later. Right now, you're going to tell us everything you know about Kai Cenat's whereabouts.

[With a menacing glint in his eye, Batman prepares to press Caseoh for answers, knowing that the fate of Kai Cenat—and potentially the safety of Gotham City—hangs in the balance.]

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