I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place for So long, London

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-Taylors Pov-

This city is starting to feel more like home than anywhere else. Kansas City. I think it's more the person than the place though, Travis.

The car pulls up into his new driveway and we step out of the car. My security handles the luggage, there is a fair amount of it as we are staying here for a while, until Christmas. Travis and I haven't talked about what we are doing for Christmas yet, but we probably should seeing as it's December already.

"Travis" Thea shrieks and runs for the door just as it opens. Travis is standing there in jeans and a sweater looking as handsome as ever. "Thea!"

"I hate London. I hate it. I hate it." she chants over and over again before breaking down into tears. Travis picks her up but looks questioning at me over Thea's shoulder. I'm struggling with keeping it together myself, wanting to break down so badly. I want to run into Travis's arms where I know I will feel safe.

"come on princess. Let's get you and Mommy inside. It's cold out here" Travis carries Thea inside and I follow them as I take in the new house. I take off my shoes, and Theas while Travis holds her crying body.

I follow Travis until we get to the living room. It's an open space with a huge couch and a big TV over a fireplace that crackles away. It feels homey, the decorator did a good job. But I can see some personal touches as well, some pictures on the walls and a display of his Super Bowl rings on a shelf.

Travis puts Thea down on the couch and tucks blankets around her before setting up frozen on the TV. "I'm going to talk to Mommy, okay? And then I'm gonna make you hot chocolate" he kisses her forehead and wipes her tears.

"with extra chocolate sirup and whipped cream?" she looks up at him with big eyes. "is there any other way to make hot chocolate" he grins at her, which makes a small smile appear on her otherwise sad face.

Travis takes my hand and leads me to the other room. When he wraps his arms around me, I can't keep the tears in anymore. If I thought my breakdown in the hotel was bad, this is worse. Sobs take over my body, making me shake, And I struggle to catch my breath.

"it's okay baby. Let it all out. I'm here. you're safe. Nothing can hurt you here" he soothes me, and I try to take comfort in the warmth he offers. This is all I wanted, I wanted to be in his arms again because that's where I feel safe. And I was right. This is where I know I can break because he will be there to hold me up. I don't always have to be so strong when I'm around him, I know he will take care of me.

I don't know how long I cry, but eventually, the sobs slow after hitting a peak and I start to calm down. You can only stay panicked for so long before your body naturally calms down. You might not feel any better, but at least you're not a sobbing mess anymore.

"what happened?" he asks as he runs his fingers through my long hair. "I saw joe" I rasp out.

His body tenses for a second before it relaxes again. I haven't told him what went down between me and joe, only bits and pieces. All he really knows is that it ended badly. The details I'm keeping close to my chest, at least for now. there is no need to share the darkness, I don't want to taint what we are building together.

"okay? Where did you see him?" he says and lead me over to the kitchen table where he takes a seat and places me in his lap. His arms are still tightly around me, giving me the strength I need to tell him what's going on.

"Liz... joes' mom, texted me and asked if we wanted to come over. She missed Thea and wanted to see her granddaughter. I thought it was fine because she promised that joe wouldn't be there. God she even promised he wasn't in town. So we showed up, it was a little awkward at first, but we settled in and had a decent time." in the beginning it wasn't so bad, I was having a decent time and Thea deserves to spend time with that side of her family, it's not their fault that joe is how it is. But I should never have trusted their intentions.

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