Chapter 27 - What We Leave Behind

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When I awoke the next morning it was to a loud knock on the door. I opened my eyes slowly, and I saw that the sun had not yet begun to rise; yet I also knew that it wouldn't be far off. Fili sat up, pulling me with him just as the door swung open. Thorin hesitated for a moment,smiling at us from the threshold before he walked into the room. I climbed out of bed, pulling Fili with me and I walked slowly toward him, meeting him halfway.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, his eyes reflecting genuine concern."Kili came back before the rest of us were even out of bed and said you'd had a nightmare." He looked to Fili, who was looking at Thorin with eyes that screamed innocence. I frowned slightly when I realized what others might be thinking; though the opinions of others had not ever really mattered to me I knew his uncle's opinion meant a lot to him. Thorin smiled. "We'd all assumed you'd stay with her so you needn't look so worried. There was a guard posted right outside the door, and we know you better than that." Fili laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist.

Thorin turned back to me. "I assumed it must have been an awful dream for you to have screamed as you did." He hesitated, "It was the same as what happened with the trolls was it not?" I turned to Fili, my eyes wide. He wouldn't have told such a secret, of that I was certain. That much was confirmed when his grip on me tightened, and he flashed me a confused expression that likely matched my own. "I had my suspicions," Thorin admitted, drawing our attention back to him. "When Fili and Kili came to us and told us what you had done and what you had said to them, I knew you must have known more than you were saying; it wasn't until I heard you scream last night however that I wondered if perhaps you had seen it in a dream." I nodded, shocked at how accurate his guess had been. I took a deep breath; Thorin was definitely someone I should trust with these dreams, because he was the one with the power to help me stop them.

"I dreamed we woke the dragon," I admitted, "And you tried to get out, but before you could the dragon found you and-" I choked,swallowing hard to keep my tears away. "And every one of you died."I ran a hand through my hair, forcing the images from my mind again. Thorin said nothing, his eyes far away; he simply nodded. He stayed silent for a several long moments.

"We will concern ourselves with the dragon once we're inside the mountain," He decided, "Now come, eat, we leave at first light."He turned to leave, pausing in the doorway and turning back to us."Fili you should come with me, Saria will need time to ready herself." He left then, not waiting for an answer and disappeared down the hallway; Fili pressed a quick kiss to my lips before he followed after him. I stood in place for a long moment, unsure of what exactly I was supposed to be doing. A moment later the guard I had seen last night appeared in the doorway, several garments draped over his arm. He smiled widely at me, walking slowly into the room.

"Are you feeling better milady?" He asked, his voice kind, and I nodded.

"I think so sir, thank you," I replied, "But please, call me Saria."He smiled, holding the garments out to me; I took them, surprised at how heavy they felt in my arms.

"Well miss Saria," He said, his voice light, "My name is Hardred." I smiled again.

"Well I wish to thank you for your kind words last night Hardred, and I do apologize if I was rude to you, I was-" I trailed off and he smiled.

"I understand, these are trying times for all of us." I nodded,unfolding the clothes he had brought me. A deep blue tunic, black leggings and a large cloak. My eyes moved to my cloak, draped across the back of the chair sitting before the vanity. He followed my gaze,"I can take that for you," He offered, reaching for it. "They can dispose of it-"

"No!"I snapped, and he pulled his hand back; clearly surprised. "Forgive me," I continued, "That cloak has seen me through many things,and I do not wish to part with it." He nodded.

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