Chapter 35 - The Battle For the Mountain: Part 2

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     Thorin and I reached the forges quickly, and we found the others all standing together looking fearful and defeated.

     "Fili!" I called out, racing over to him and throwing my arms around him. He hugged me tightly for a moment before pulling away and turning back to where Dwalin and Thorin were deep in conversation.

     "The plans not gonna work!" Dwalin screamed, kicking at a huge chunk of stone and sending it flying without so much as grunting at the effort. "These furnaces are stone cold." I looked around, and my heart sank in my chest.

     "He's right Thorin," Balin added, his voice sad and hopeless. "We've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze." My eyes flew back the way we had come, and then to Thorin; who was already looking at me. We shared a wide smile.

     "Have we not?" He asked, his gaze moving the same direction mine had. He turned slowly, walking purposefully toward the tall pillars; leaning between them so he might shout to the beast that pursued us.

     "I did not look to see you so easily outwitted," He snapped; sneering at the dragon that crept ever closer. "You've grown slow, and fat in your dotage." He continued, taking a step back as Smaug came into view. "Slug!" He drawled, turning back to us as the infuriated gaze of the dragon swept toward us. He smiled apologetically. "Take cover," He advised, pressing his back against one of the larger pillars. When Fili didn't move I twisted around and took his hand, pulling him behind another and doing what I could to shield us from what was to come.

     "What is he doing!?" He muttered, covering my face with his arms as best he could. I chuckled into his chest.

     "He's getting a fire going," I said casually, tensing as I felt the stone we leaned against; as well as the air around us, grow impossibly hot. Fili tightened his hold on me, and I heard the others cry out; but it seemed they had all managed to keep out of harms way. The flames dissipated, and Fili slowly unwrapped his arms from around me; I turned quickly, and a grin forced its way onto my face when I saw the furnaces begin to burn again. The dragon snarled behind us as the flames blazed brighter; we all moved toward them, away from Smaug.

     "Bombur!" Thorin snapped, his gaze fixed on the dragon who was flinging himself against the makeshift cage to get to us. "Get those bellows working." Bombur said nothing, but he jumped and disappeared to somewhere I could not see; blue flames began to appear just moments later, and I really hoped that was a good thing. "Saria!" He called out, and I felt my feet moving before I could even fully register that it was my name he had called.

     "What do you need?" I asked as I made it to his side; flinching as the dent the dragon was making grew ever larger. He grabbed my arm, pulling me with him.

     "Do you see that lever?" He asked, pointing up a large staircase. I nodded.

     "Yes I do. What would you have me do?" I replied, having already decided I would do whatever he required if it meant killing this blasted creature once and for all.

     "I need you to get up there as fast as you possibly can." He began,and I nodded immediately. "On my mark I want you to pull the lever. Can you do that?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

     "I'm sure I can manage Thorin," I replied, pulling my arm free from his grasp. He smiled widely at me for a moment before turning away and calling for Balin. I turned back just in time to see Smaug break down the first pieces of the cage. "Dammit," I muttered, breaking into a dead run toward the staircase. I stumbled a few times as the dragon shook the ground, but I reached the steps with next to no trouble. I took the stairs three at a time; tripping only once, though I did manage to skin my hands up quite badly. I shook it off and got back to my feet; making it to the lever much faster than I had anticipated. I stopped, unsure of how long Thorin would have me wait.Though judging by the chaos I saw playing out below me I doubted it would be very long.

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