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So i think by now mostly all the bubbles know what the current situation is.

I won't go into details of it here.
All i know and believe is that Bible and Build are far far away from us living a major part of their life that is not known to us.

I don't want to give it thoughts....what and why...

Since it's the love and respect for two artists...it still remains there in me.

However I can't deny that as a Bubble , writing about them in present scenarios takes a lot of courage and motivation.

My current state of mind is
That I am not completely demotivated because for me it's more about my story , my characters.

But i also need to push myself a little to put my heart into it.

Since the second volume of this story is about to come by July end I don't know how many of readers i will have for it by then..

So I am in a bit of dilemma. Let's see how I feel in future about it.

In the end...If there are people who want to read it ..then i will always publish it.

I seriously don't know what I will do with all my lined up ffs. I want to write them but i don't know if people want to read it anymore.

Hugs to all the Bubbles
We all are really strong and we did great.
Always be proud of yourself

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