Free Ren

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IMP break room...

No one's POV:

Ren: Huh. I thought you disappeared last year.

Ren said to himself. Or so it seemed.

'No... merely hiding.' The voice in his head spoke.

Ren: Why's that? 

Ren asked

'So you can live a normal life. So that you can have peace.' The voice explained.

Ren: Yeah, well, none of that is currently happening.

Ren said in annoyance.

'I'm aware. You must escape.' The voice said.

Ren: Oh really? Then do what? In case you didn't know, this is hell! Even if I did escape these assholes, how do I get back home? I can't even remember how I did it the last time.

Ren said.

'that I do not know I was born when you awakened your persona...Figure out an escape plan first, then go from there.' The voice in his head spoke.

Ren: Is that all you have to say?

Ren questioned, No response.

Ren: Still not a chatterbox. Figures. 

Ren said.

The phantom thief sat there in silence once again. He looked around the room with a bored gaze, until his eyes landed on a big fancy-looking book and car keys. The cover of the book is navy blue with golden details, and it contains golden reflective pages.

Ren: of course, I'm  a phantom thief I should steal these and get the hell out of here

Ren said to himself.

'Quick! Take them!'

Ren jumped from the voice in his head startling him, and quickly took the book, then stuffed it in a backpack he stole. He sat back in his seat as nothing happened after stuffing the keys in his pocket.

A second later, Loona walked into the break room.

"Hey." Loona greeted with no emotion.

Ren: What do you want?

Ren asked with mild irritation.

"A beer, obviously." She said, opening the fridge to grab whatever kind of beer they had down here.

Ren: Shocker.

Ren says sarcastically.

"Well, at least I don't talk to myself." Loona scoffs, popping the cap off the bottle before taking a swig.

Ren: Well, what did you expect? I don't exactly enjoy it when I talk to you guys! So of course the only person I can talk to is me! Because why the fuck would I want to have a conversation with the bastards who KIDNAPPED ME?!?!

Ren snapped at the end.

"You think I give a shit about your wants and needs?! No! So you can bitch and complain all you want, but you're not going back to the whiny little fuckers you call parents!" Loona snapped back.

"I don't even have parents, ya retard!" Ren snapped again.

"What did you call me?!" Loona growls, baring her sharp teeth.

-Insert battle transition here-

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