30. Cooking

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Taehyung's POV

Talking to him about having kids is like telling your parents you want to marry. And now, as we are sitting face to face, him looking at me like I have something on my face, I can't utter a word out. "Will you stop staring at my face? I can't think straight." Just as I said that, his lips twisted in a smug smile as he leaned back on the sofa, folding his hands behind his head.  And I know what he is going to say.

"Am I distracting you, sugar?" Yes, very much. But you won't hear it from me. "Yes, cause you stink. Go take a bath, we will talk later." All planning ditched, I can't do it. So, like a coward I stood up ready to walk upstairs when I felt a sudden grip on my wrist and stumbled back, ending up on his lap. 

"Calm down, omega. I won't bite you." Said the man who bit me just yesterday. I have marks as proof. "Now...tell me what made you suddenly think of having kids?" The question I dreaded. It's not the topic of baby that makes me nervous, it's the process of baby making that makes me nervous-or should I say embarrass? I can't just look at him and say 'my heat is next month and now that I do have an alpha, I want to be filled up with his seeds?'

"Are you getting your heat, next month?" Did he just- He can mind read now? "No...I took a wild guess and you just confirmed it with your face."  It must be written all over my face for him to read it. 

Well, now that the cat's already out of the bag, "Yes. And, since there are like 80-90% chances of me being.... p-pregnant if.-...if we...we-you..." 

I can't even look anywhere else except him by the way he is holding my face and looking at him, I know he knows what I want to say because I can see the smile struggling it's way to surface.

"If we consummate?" The way he is smiling, I don't know if he is making fun of me or he finds me funny. Aren't both the same? Still, thanks to him for bringing up an euphemism for sex and not acting like the brute he is. I barely nodded my head to his question when he held my face with both hands, almost covering it with his big palms and shook it a lil.

"You are feeling so shy just for this!" His words made it sound like it's a small thing which made me frown at him, face still squished in his hands. "You are so cute when you get flustered or shy!!" He squealed again and knowing there's nothing I can do, I just glared at him as he shook my face left to right. 

Finally, I pulled my face away from him, though still straddling him with his hands now on my thighs. "Y-yeah...I wanted to know your thoughts on kids before it happens because, I am not bringing a life to this world just to call them mistake or-" I trailed off, shrugging. "....that's why."

When I was done talking, he was still silent so I looked up at him, he stared at me for few seconds before pulling me closer to him on his lap, hands now interlocked behind my back. His gaze looked so soft that I almost melted by it. "Sugar...you are my omega, my husband, the perfect life partner for me. I will not trade you for anything ever, nor the dream to have a family with you. I want to have our own family with you, you, me and our babies." My eyes fluttered close as he tucked my hair behind my ear, "A small happy family with you." 

Our family. 

These two words mean a lot to me and knowing that he wants the same is like a bliss to me. I was about to open my eyes when I felt his lips on my forehead, with a small 'chu' my heart melted and I shyly wrapped my arms around his neck, harboring myself in his warm embrace.  No matter what people think, I am shy when it comes to being emotional or heart to heart talk.

I could feel his chest heaving up and down as he chuckled but I didn't have the courage to face him. "You are so fucking adorable." Huh? This time, I raised my head and was going to ask him to stop but then, he spoke up again. "And adorably fuckable, too." 

His words often make me speechless and this time was no different. His twinkling eye blinding smile told me he was quite proud of his remark. Sadly, I was not and we have dinner to make. "Mr. husband....may I remind you, we still have dinner to make." Saying that I tried to get up but instead he stood up, holding me up in his arms. On instinct I crossed my legs behind his back just so I don't end up slipping and falling though I know my alpha is strong enough to carry me easily without breaking a sweat. 

And I find it extremely hot, again, you won't hear it from me.

"Why don't I have you for dinner? Hmm?" He murmured in my ears, before playfully biting on my cheeks. I can't help but shy away from him, giggling at his antics before laying my head on his shoulder as he walks to the kitchen. There's not a single day he doesn't use the perfume I gave him and now it's like his scent. You can always smell it on him. 

Instead of letting me down on floor, he made me sit on the kitchen island while still standing between my legs. "What?" I questioned him as I tried pushing him back so I can get off. But in front of him, I am like a paper doll. There's no way I can make him budge by pushing him. And he is enjoying my fruitless tries. I swear this man is a sadist. 

"Move!" Finally he did. Which is suspicious if you ask me. Still, eying him I started the preparation for the dinner while he took his spot on the table near-by, staring at me without any shame or subtlety as he always does whenever I cook. I am used to it.

I kept handing him small chores that he can do without harming himself or others throughout the cooking because you don't stay in my kitchen doing absolutely nothing productive. 

Soon we were done with the cooking and a certain someone was too hungry to stay calm. "Can we eat now? I am literally dying from hunger!" That's exaggeration. He is well and fine-except the flour on his face-standing on his own two legs. Still, I had some mercy in myself and served the dinner out in the living room for him so he can dig in while I clean up the kitchen.

"Now what?" I asked again as despite his dinner being served out and getting cold he is still in kitchen. Isn't he hungry? "I am waiting for you." 

The way he said it casually like he didn't just made my heart flutter with his words. He has no idea how much these small actions mean to me, it's making it really hard to hold my ground and not smother him with kisses and more kisses. 

"You can go, you know? I will have my dinner when I am done with the cleaning." I murmured while wiping the kitchen island as I felt bad for making him wait. I heard him sigh behind me. "You don't understand, do you?" I was going to ask what he means before I felt his weight over me when he pulled me in a back hug, resting his chin on my shoulder. "You are the desert, sugar. I can't have my dinner without my desert." 

And I can't stop the blood rush crawling up my face through my neck. His words really do make me speechless. Sometimes from stupidity and sometimes- like this. If I didn't know him better, I would think his rut is near considering how he is acting now-a-days. "Shut-shut up. Let me do my work." 

Good thing, he actually listened this time and kept his mouth shut letting me clean the rest though he still kept his hold tight on me like I will run away any moment soon. 

Soon, I was done with the work and we were finally having our dinner. 

"I am not lying...you really have magic in your hands. Like, what do you do inside that the dishes end up tasting so delicious?!" He kept praising me as he took another bite as if he doesn't eat the same thing every day. And though he praises my cooking every day too, I can't help but smile at the acknowledgement. 

He is a gentleman when he is not acting like a brute or idiot.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! Tomorrow we have a celebration party organized at the company-"

"I hate parties." I already know what's coming. And I am not agreeing to that. Never. "I hate parties too-" Oh no no. No tricks would work. "I am not going." I finalized, putting down my glass to look at him and found him already staring back at me. With the stare that I am really familiar with. The last time he looked at me like this, I provoked him and got his black card. 

I waited for him to say something or do but instead he silently nodded and resumed his eating which makes me a lot more nervous than before. Him and silent? Man like him only stays silent when he is plotting murder. 

Am I about to die tomorrow?

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