31. Matching clothes

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Jungkook's POV

If anyone asked me one more time if I am going to host the party, I am going to lose it and end up getting blood on my hands. As much as I hate going to this party, I hate it even more that people expect me to host the celebration party where most of the credit probably would be given to the person who I can bet doesn't even have any idea about the project. 

I really do envy my both brothers. The land company is standing on is under my name, company's name is my initials, yet the company isn't mine. There's nothing I am gaining except a property worth millions that I can't have for myself even if I want to and a tag of a spoiled son. The company is really getting on my nerves, every air is like a slow poison and I just want to escape from here. 

It's not like I don't love my brothers, I do, I really do but that doesn't mean I will suppress my own dreams and desire. In my life till now if there's anything I learned then it's the value of power. In our world, you either have the power of money or rank. Seeing my condition, I have none. And they have both. I know my parents don't want me to be the CEO because, hyung is older than me and it's like a compensation to my brothers for spoiling me all these years. A sick game my father played with me.

When they came to know the land is registered under my name, none of the two were pleased with it. I was young, not naïve. I saw the displeasure on their face. So, it was then decided the though the land would be under my name, the company would be handled by these two with both of them being the major shareholders. Back then, I didn't understand this but when I did, I wanted to ask my father a question.

What the fuck do I get from the fucking land? It's like naming a place after some great deceased personality to honor them. And honor won't feed you.

"Mr. Jeon." Now a person can't be annoyed in peace too. "Come in!" In my office, only three types people enter, one- who are with me, two- who are against me, and three- who want to be with me. 

Julias Hwang is the third type. And the most annoying of all types. "Mr. Jeon, are you attending the party in the evening?" The way she feigns innocence while asking such stupid question, I feel worried for the people surrounding her. The whole floor knows I was the one who got the project and am attending the party since I am the main organizer. 

"Yes" My reply was dull and bored just like how I was feeling looking at her face. She needs to start doing the job she has been assigned to. "Uh...I don't have a date for the party and you always attend them single so, can I be your plus one for this evening?" If my omega was here, he would have slapped his heels on her face, denting it forever hearing her words. I basically brought him to office to let everyone know I am married and he is my husband. There's no way this woman has no idea.

Yet again, sometimes we gotta act fool to fool fools. 

"Is that so, Julias?" I asked solemnly as if I genuinely consider her offer and maybe the universe is with me too because right on time like a scene from drama, my phone rings with 'Sugar' contact name flashing on the screen. Without any delay I picked the call.

"Alpha" My ears perked up at his call and automatically a smile formed on my lips as I leaned back on my office chair,

"What do you want, sugar?" I know my omega better now. Living with him has made me familiar with all the tricks and games he plays to get what he wants.

"Why do you think I want something?" I also know he has his one hand on his hips right now, eyes sharp like throwing laser beams through the phone. But if you look at him with my eyes, all you will see is a puppy.

"Are you saying you don't want anything?" 

"Uh-no- that's not what I meant!!" His whiny voice at the end made me chuckle knowing he wants something but doesn't want to look like he wants something. His independent ass won't allow him to accept it, not easily.

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