Chapter fifty six: Target

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I stare at Taehyung, I'm his target?, "H-How you know?" I ask him, he stared at me, "I found out who's the killer" He replies.

How did he get to know?.

Maybe Jimin Is the one.

I look back at the bed, he grabs my wrist I look at him, "You are not going to stay here alone" He says, "It will be better If he will kill me...I'm their daughter" I reply.

"What are you talking about? You are Innocent Y/n" He says, "Does It matter If I'm Innocent or not? I'm their daughter" I reply.

"I won't let him to lay a finger on you" He says, "Why are you wasting your time on me? Why are you even trying to save me? You should leave me alone" I reply.

"I won't leave you alone" He replies, "How can you let whatever happened to you In that orphanage slide like that? When you are the Mafia you can even kill my whole family without thinking twice..what's In me that you can't kill me? I'm just a girl...I'm useless for someone like you" I say.

"You are not just a girl Y/ are are a feeling.." He replies, I stare at him.

"Kind of a feeling that makes me protect you..stay beside you..hear you laugh...losing your presence just for a minute Is just like losing my own self...I can't understand what kind of a feeling you are Y/n" He whispers.

"If he will come to kill me then I will die Taehyung..I don't have any reasons to live left...I would die from his hands" I reply, he stared at me, taking steps closer to me, I step back hitting the wall, he gently pins me against the wall.

"I swear If anyone dared to touch you
In a way that will hurt you..I will show them the taste of hell on earth" He says, I stared at him, tears filling up In my eyes,

"Stop this Taehyung" I whisper, a tear slide down my eye, "I can't Y/n" He breathes out wiping the tear off my cheek.

"I-I don't wanna live" I breath out, "I will make you live" He replies.

He moves away from me calling the maid to clean the bedsheet out, I was still there standing.

His eyes..they were not the same as before..those eyes were so unfamiliar.

Is this the side of him I haven't witnessed yet?.

"You are coming with excuses" He says to me, "Why should I come with you? Who are you even to me?" I ask, he looks at me, "Who are you Taehyung.." I add.

"You will get to know that later" He replies, grabbing my wrist tightly but not In a way that will hurt.

He drags me out of the room, I kept on struggling Into his hold, "Let me go" I say still struggling, I can't free myself.

He opens the door of the car, I look at him, "I'm not going to come with you" I reply, "Sit Y/n" He whispers, I glance back at the building, slowly sitting down on the passenger seat, he shuts the door behind me, sitting down on the driver seat.

"You can't force me If you care about me" I say when he plugs my seatbelt, "I'm protecting you and that's what matters" He replies, driving away from there.

I stared at him In disbelief, how can he just drag me out of my own apartment like nothing?.

Tears fills In my eyes at the thought that I'm again going back Into that house with him.."I HATE YOU" I shout at him.

He kept on driving Ignoring me, I catch my breath, I pout trying to hold back the tears In my eyes as I throw punches on his biceps.

"Stop Y/n I'm driving" He replies, "You just dragged me out of there I didn't even tie my hair I HATE YOU SO MUCH" I yell, he suddenly stops the car somewhere near the sidewalk.

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