A Christmas Story

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December 25th 2025
Kansas City, Missouri

When Taylor woke up that next morning, the house was completely quiet. A rarity for having so many heads and toes all under one roof but she put it down to being a mixture of tiring the kids out with all of the Christmas games they had played together the night before and with it only being 5 o'clock in the morning. Wyatt was not a morning person, according to both Kylie and Jason, and this apparently even extended to holidays like Christmas. She had spent the last Christmas sat in time out because she had shouted at Elliotte for being too loud. In fairness, Taylor would have done the same if someone was being too loud in the morning as well so she couldn't really blame Wyatt all that much.

Taylor went to check on Luna who surprisingly was already wide awake and sat up in her crib. Taylor knew she wasn't far off crying her head off in the hopes it would rouse one of her parents or at least a responsible adult in the house. but luckily that morning, Taylor as already on hand to pick her up immediately, snuggling her up against her chest as the baby sighed in the contentment. Taylor crossed the room over to where her changing station was, sensing that she would need a diaper change before she was fed that morning. She was right but luckily for Taylor, Luna saved most of her insane poop explosions for when it was Travis who was changing her. She quickly got rid of the old diaper, placing on some rash cream to prevent any soreness before placing on a new clean diaper. She decided to put Luna back into her old onesie, knowing she would get messy at breakfast so waited to put her into her nice Christmas outfit until later, prolonging the amount of time she had the chance to take some photos before it was ruined by Luna's messiness.

Grabbing a muslin cloth as a burping cloth, Taylor made her way downstairs with Luna in her arms ready to feed her as well as the animals. There was a thick layer of snow coating the lawn outside and Taylor knew that the dog was going to go absolutely crazy when he saw it. Taylor placed Luna in her bouncer as she grabbed out the bags of food for the cats and their dog, placing it into their individual bowls in the kitchen. It didn't take long for them to all come out of their hiding areas join the house. The cats would occasionally sleep in with Taylor and Travis but often slept elsewhere in the house. Olivia would sleep practically anywhere but her favourite place was on the mat in their guest bathroom as that was where their hot water pipe ran through the house and that area of the floor was like her very own heated blanket. Benjamin was the one who enjoyed sleeping in with Taylor and Travis or curled up in his cat bed in the living room, right by the back door like Jupiter had. Meredith had been the one to surprise them all. The only place she would sleep was in Luna's nursery, or just outside of it if she couldn't get in through the door. It was as if she was guarding Luna. She always had done, ever since they had brought her home from the hospital when she was only a day old. Meredith knew wit was her job as the oldest cat to protect her youngest sibling.

Taylor settled herself down on the sofa, pulling her top up and letting Luna latch on and feed. She still breastfed around three to four times a day but knew that she would probably take a bottle later on during the day whilst there was still lots going on. Having a bottle meant that anyone can feed her which also left Taylor able to do all of the other things she would have to do that day. She had managed to do a lot of the preparation and hard work in the days before and leading up to Christmas but she would still have to cook it all and make sure it was all on the right timings and settings. That day had to be perfect. They say that it takes a village to raise a child. Well luckily the whole village had come to Kansas City for Christmas.

Luna fed for around half an hour before un latching, signalling that she had a full tummy. Taylor pulled down her bra and her pyjama top before placing Luna over her shoulder to burp her. She didn't even notice Travis coming down the stairs behind them as Taylor swayed Luna around in her arms as she paced back and forth, observing the dog who was outside running around in the snow. Travis stood there in awe, thinking back to a time when he had dreamed of this kind of life. He quickly snapped a couple of photos on his phone before she turned around and noticed his presence.

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