New York, I Love You

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March 27th 2026
New York City, New York

The penultimate set of shows on the US leg of the tour was upon them, and this time they were back in the city of lights..... NEW YORK CITY! 

Taylor rolled over, flipping her phone over and into her hand to check what the time was. The time on her phone read 3:28am.


She had been trying her hardest to sleep better over the tour, especially now that Luna was in a more regular sleeping schedule herself and sleeping in separate room from herself and Travis. But it was no use. The guilt at what she was feeling, of what she thought she knew was eating away at her. Should she tell Travis?

Was it a good idea to get his hopes up before she even knew it was true or not?

Taylor was conflicted, but there was a pit at the bottom of her stomach that was telling her that her gut instinct was right. The stars seemed to have aligned and everything pointed to it. She had been feeling pretty rundown for days and she had missed her period that month. Granted it was only three or four days late but the principle was still there. Her and Travis had tried to be careful but in the heat of the moment when you had an almost one year old child, you have to do what you have to do. And sometimes, there isn't always protection readily available. She was on birth control though so it couldn't make much sense. But she had been on birth control when she had gotten pregnant the past two times, and the second time resulted in the baby that was currently sleeping in the room adjacent to theirs. 

At that point in time, Taylor sat their staring up and the ceiling and wondered...

Was she pregnant again?

She must have made a noise or some kind of disturbance because as if by magic, she could feel the bed rock slightly, a hand reaching out for hers in the darkness.

"Tay?" He said groggily, searching around in the pitch black for her face. Taylor snuggled back into the covers, pulling herself closer to him.

"Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up." Taylor replied, turning away from Travis to put her phone back onto charge, placing it flat and face down on the nightstand once again. 

"Don't be silly, I just missed you that was all." Travis said, spooning her from behind when he realised that she wasn't turning back around again. They laid there in the darkness for a considerable amount of time. How much time passed neither of them knew as they didn't loom over at their phones within that time. It wasn't until Taylor spoke once again that the silence between them was broken. 

"Trav." Taylor muttered, turning to face Travis once again whilst still curled up against him, now her hand resting against his chest.

"Yes beautiful." Travis replied, stroking the soft curls that had fallen against her forehead, just like he did with Luna who was looking even more like her mother with every day that passed. 

"I... I need to tell you something, but I don't want it to change anything that we have right now." 

"Ok, this sounds serious Tay. What has happened, is it your mom?" Travis asked, an obvious look of worry coming over his complexion. 

"What- oh no, nothing like that. My mom is fine, well as far as I am aware of she is fine. It's just that-" Taylor paused, not sure whether she wanted to tell Travis yet. She wasn't even 100% sure herself, so why bother Travis with it now. "Do you know what, it doesn't matter."

Travis stopped her, pulling her back towards him as she attempted to release herself from his grasp and make her way into the bathroom.

"Hey hey hey. No. This seems important to you and we are a team remember. Remember that promise we made almost two years ago, when we were in Edinburgh together. We sat on top of that hill, overlooking the city, and we looked into each other's eyes and promised that we would always tell each other anything. No matter whether it was big, or miniscal. We would always share it. Now tell me, what is it that is worrying you so much."

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