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- AMNA -

I was all ready and dressed to leave for the Hospital. I was in a little bit rush as I had gotten a call from the Hospital that there was an emergency case and Ya Allah, it was stressing me out and anxiousness was another topic. 

I stepped out of the house adjusting the hem of my kameez when I saw our security guard come up to me and I gave him a questioning look.

"Bibi, ye ap ke liay aya hai." The security guard said, passing me a khaki envelope.

[ Miss, this is for you. ]

"Mere liay?" I asked him to clarify what he said with my brows furrowed down. 

[ For me? ]

"Ji." He clarified with a nod.

[ Yes. ]

"Acha, shukria." I thanked him and he left to go back to the main gate after giving me a nod. 

[ Ok, Thanks. ]

I was still confused, with my brows knitted together in a frown, I proceeded to open the Khaki envelope. I slowly opened the envelope and there was a picture. A picture? I slowly took it out and my breath got caught in my throat and my color faded from my face. I went pale as horror and fear filled me in. 

The picture was taken secretly from a corner, and I was in that picture, with one of my Male colleagues talking outside the Hospital while drinking something. It was a scene from last night. I was wearing the same yellow Kurti and white dupatta.

My eyes scanned the picture for a while before my eyes landed back on the envelope in my other hand, and there was a paper peeking out of the envelope. I took it out too and began reading the small note written in the center of the blank white paper. 

"Itne sab kuch ke baad bhi itna aaram kaise,

Amna Suleman Farooqi..."

[ How come you are so relaxed after everything, Amna Suleman Farooqui... ]

                                                                                                                                                                      - F

My heart was beating in my throat, my hands started shivering, and My head started spinning, Everything from 5 Years ago came flooding into my mind and I felt like I was unable to breathe.  

I flinched badly when I heard a deep, yet soothing manly voice and quickly hid the picture and note by placing it against my stomach.

"Amna?" I looked up to see Azlaan Bhai staring down at me. The same cold and stoic look plastered on his face. 

"J-Ji?" I was sweating and breathing heavily as I stared at him. 

[ Y-Yes? ]

"Theek to ho? Itna paseena kyun aa raha hai?" I saw him observing me and i gulped visibly.

Dil Nihaad |  دٍل نٍہادWhere stories live. Discover now