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"Mamma, devo andare Ti amo, ma sapevi che una volta ottenuto il mio diploma me ne sarei andato Ho già un lavoro, ho già dei clienti Sto partendo" (Mum I have to go, I love you but you knew once I had my degree i was leaving. I have my job, I already have clients. I'm leaving.) My mother is a very complicated woman, she was ecstatic when I decided to study and was even happier when I got my degree but she does not want to believe that I am leaving to go pursue my dreams. I love her so much and my parents have done so much for me but I have to get out on my own. My parents own multiple successful businesses so being in their shadow is not exactly what I want for my future. I was lucky enough that they did not want me to take over the family businesses instead they asked my older brothers best friend Jared. My brother passed away 4 years ago from a heart attack, he's the reason I got my diploma he always used to say 'Fai ciò che ti rende felice, mia bellissima sorella' (do what makes you happy my beautiful sister). He was my biggest supporter and my first client, since my brother passed Jared has become family, always checking in and helping dad run the businesses. 

"Lo so, tesoro, ma sai che mi preoccupo Voglio che tu abbia successo, ma mi mancherai molto" (I know darling but You know I worry, I want you to succeed but I am going to miss you dearly) 

"Mi mancherai anche tu mamma, mi mancherai tutti. Tu, papà e anche Jared" (I am going to miss you too mum, I'm going to miss everyone. you, dad and even jared). I turn and walk towards the taxi, I try to hide the tears that fall from my eyes. The truth is I am going to miss everyone but I need to get away from here, from Verona. Everywhere I go I am reminded that Lorenzo is no longer with us. 

"Ti amo!!!"

"Ti amo!" I shout back to the family i see gathered behind ,e watching as I leave my home and head to a new life. 


After a long flight to England all I want to do is sleep, I head to the taxi stand I see that the que is massive. Instead of waiting I call Marcus Rashford. He was the first client I made when him and his management came to Italy, He's the reason I decided to move to England to work. We became really good friends while he was here and have remained really good friends since. 

"Hey Rashford, Can you collect me from the airport? I wouldn't ask but I am so tired and the wait is really long."

"Sure thing, I am with a friend though. You don't mind if he comes do you?"

"No I don't mind at all, afterall you are doing me a favour."

"Perfect I'll see you in 15 minutes, bye"

"Thank you, bye" I headed towards the car park with all my bags waiting for Rashford. I didn't know many of Rashford's friends but a few of them came to Italy with him. They were all lovely minus one I don't know why he was so rude but I tried to engage in conversation while he was there but he was not having any of it. After trying so many times I decided to give up. 

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