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"Who is that Mason?"

"It's my ex chloe, I don't understand why she's here."

"Oh well introduce us." I walk ahead of him into the restaurant and he's running behind me.

"Hi, I'm Nova I'm Mason's date. It's so lovely to meet you all, Mason has told me so much about you all." I flash a polite smile to everyone and then turn to Chloe.

"Sorry I don't know who you are Mason has never spoke of you. What's your name?"

"I'm Chloe and I'm sure he has mentioned me."

"No sorry, I've never heard of a chloe. Darling shall we sit down?" Mason leans in close and whispers.

"Darling? what are you up to?"

"Just go along with it," Mason places his hand around my waist and pulls out my chair for me. When he sits down he places his hand on my knee gently. 

"So how did you two meet, Mason never mention dating anyone new."

"Well I met Mase through a mutual friend out in Italy last summer and we instantly clicked with one and another. Unfortunately I was finishing my degree over there before I moved the Manchester but we kept in contact and as soon as I got here Mase asked me on a date." Mason gave me a look saying you know that's not it.

"Didn't take you long to move on, after 5 years and you couldn't wait a a little longer to jump into bed with someone else" I turned to Chloe giving her a scowl knowing what she did to him.

"Chloe you moved on before we even finished you have no room to talk, why are you even here?"

"Lauren invited me, and you didn't give me love I deserved."

Mason stands up and puts his hand out for me to grab and we walk out.

"So you want to tell me what that was about?"

"She deserved it, I just wanted to shove it in her face that we were together after what she did to you." Mason stops me in my tracks and before I can question it he's kisses me.

The kiss becomes more heated but before it can I order us an uber back to mine.

"You're going on your phone after I just kissed you?"

"I'm ordering us an uber back to mine actually," 

"Ohhhh, You got your wish though."

"What wish?" I was so confused, what wish is he talking about.

"Your wish to kiss me again, that wish you made when we were building furniture." 

"Oh look the uber's here come on mount let's get back." I forgot he heard me when I said that but thankfully the uber showed up before I was forced to address it. We make our way into the uber and head back Once we get back to the house Mason kisses me again but this one isn't gentle, It's desperate and needy. we continue kissing and head upstairs. 


A/N what do you think of this chapter?

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