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Pizza had arrived, Nova walked to the door to pay the man. But as she walked away all I could think about was our kiss, it was amazing I mean she was amazing. She looked beautiful with her joggers on, her hair thrown up into a messy bun and with her glasses. I guess it's safe to say she doesn't hate me anymore. There's nothing in the contract saying I couldn't date her, that's if the kiss even meant anything to her. It's been so long since I've even been on a date, Chloe messed me up pretty bad. I gave 5 years to her, just to throw it down the drain. Until Nova came into the picture I haven't wanted to go near another female but Nova has this affect that makes me want to commit to just her. 

"I got the pizza's, here's yours Mason"

"Thank you, you know my friends call me mase." I think about the nickname my friends call me, it was generic but I can imagine how sexy it would be coming out of her mouth.

"Who said we were friends mount?" 'mount' I hated it when people used my last name but coming from her lips I could get used to it.

"If that's the game you want to play, then I can play Caponetto." She lets out a little giggle like she knows something I don't

"You just called me boss, that's what my last name means. The boss." 

"Good to know, what's this?" I pull a small piece of paper out from under my pizza box.

"Oh, the pizza boy wanted to give me his number, I took it but I was planning to bin it." I weirdly feel happy that she is going to bin it but I don't want it to seem that way so instead I say.

"You should keep it just in case you want to date." 

Nova's POV

My heart sank a little, guess I have my answer. The kiss meant nothing it was just a kiss nothing more. The thing is I don't know why it was bothering me, less than 6 hours ago I didn't even like the guy. 

"Maybe I will keep it, just in case that is." I didn't really care about the pizza boy, but I also didn't want Mason to know that. Right now the only person's attention I want is his, he has a way of making people like him and when he smiles he reminds me of my home. 

"So what is next to build? We've still got a lot of the day left."

" I think I need to unpack all my stuff first, shall we start in the kitchen?"

"Let's do it." We unpack and as we go along the room is filled with laughter, we put the pots and pans away as well as the plates, bowls glasses and everything else. Mason set up my coffee maker for me and showed me how to work it as he has the same one at home. 

We had everything unpacked and most of the furniture was built, It was now 10pm and was getting late.

"It's getting late I should head home, I'll see you tomorrow at mine around 3pm?"

"Sounds good, text me your address so I know where I am going."

"Will do, bye"

"Wait Mason, thank you for today. I'm glad we cleared the air."

"I am too, goodnight Caponetto."

"Goodnight Mount," I watched as he walked back to his car, getting and driving off. I closed the door and slid my back down sitting on the floor. What has happened? What do I wear tomorrow?


A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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