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Mason's POV

"So who is it we have to pick up from the airport,"

"You remember when we went to Italy and I met my now stylist?"

"Yeah, what was her name again?" I was in a completely different place that whole holiday, I had just broken up with my ex girlfriend and I didn't want to be around any females. I mean Italy probably wasn't the best place to go but my friends were going and I just needed a pick me up so I still went. 

"Nova, well she is coming to live in Manchester, she has a lot of clients here and wants to do more in person work rather than over the phone."

"Oh yeah, she didn't like me very much." I probably deserved it, but like I said I wasn't in the mood to even look at a girl. I just hope she doesn't still hate me, I could really do with a new stylist since my last one moved away and the way Rashy has been dressing recently means she must be really good. 

"I mean she did try get to know you Mase but you ignored her the whole time, I can't blame her for not liking you. You weren't exactly likeable that holiday, I'm sure she hasn't held it against you she's not like that." We pull up to the airport car park and we see her standing there with what looks like 4 suitcases. As we park I get out the car and offer to help her with her bags. 

"I am capable of doing it myself, nice to know you speak though. cretino" I guess Rashford was wrong she definitely holds grudges. I'm not sure what cretino means but I don't think its good. I get back in the car and give Rashy a knowing look that says yeah you were wrong. 

"So, Nova how was your flight?" I try to make small talk I don't want to be sat in an awkward car but I also know I have a lot of making up to do, especially if I want us to work together. 

"It was fine," She is being very blunt, I guess I am getting a taste of my own medicine. 


Nova's POV

I don't understand why he's trying to talk to me now, after all last summer when I made an effort to get to know him and he gave me nothing. He doesn't deserve my politeness. Even if he is cute, he is still and asshole and I don't deserve to be treated the way he did. He never even gave me an explanation as to why he would. 

My phone beeps and there's an email from a new manager who is requesting me as a stylist. I open my email and my face drops from the name that's on my screen, noo way am I styling him although they're offering me a lot more money that the asking price. I can get along with a self centred, ignorant asshole for that price I guess. 

"So, I guess you're my new client, I just received the email from your manager."

"Great, well I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of me then." he turns and flashes me his most charming smile as if I would fall for it. But what did he mean often, how many events does he have. 

"It can't be that often, is it not only for events and press?"

"No, I guess my manager didn't mention its a full time gig which means styling me for everything except obviously my day to day outfits but for meals, events, press or anything in the public eye really."

"Devo stare sempre intorno a questo fastidioso coglione" (Great I have to be around this insufferable knobhead all the time). 

"What was that I don't speak Italian?" he has the biggest smirk on his face like he knows what I said.

"Nothing important, just saying how great it will be," I give him my fakest smile back hoping he'll understand the sarcasm in my tone.


A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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