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My heart was racing as I stood in front of Mason waiting to hear what was going to come out his mouth next.

"I'm sorry for not speaking to you first,"

"It's okay, you didn't owe me anything anyway. I'm just glad that I found out before I made a fool of myself telling you how I felt for you not to reciprocate." Mason looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Who said my feelings weren't reciprocated?"

"Well uh I just assumed and now you're with someone else."

"I'm not with her anymore, Dec spoke to me about all of it and he made me realise the only reason I liked her was because she reminded me of you."

"Oh well then Mason Tony mount I have feelings for you." I smile up at him as if getting this off my chest has just made all my problems go away. 

"Nova Isabella Caponetto I have feelings for you, would you go out on a date with me?" I smile wider than I have in a long time.

"I would love to," Mason leans in and closes the space between us by giving me a kiss.


"Rashy! how long have you been stood there?"

"long enough mate, now you break her heart you'll have me to deal with." I give Marcus a stern look telling him to back off. I am cuddled into Masons side as we're all now talking about anything and everything. Rashford decides to head home while Mase spends the night.

While I'm asleep I have a nightmare about my brothers death, I am suddenly awoken and I shoot up and mason pulls me into a tight hug straight away.

"Hey, hey, hey I'm here it's okay."

"I had a nightmare about my brother, I saw his dead body again."

"It's okay darling." he keeps me tight to his chest making sure I'm okay. Until I finally fall back asleep. 

"Good morning darling, I made you breakfast" he hands me a plate of pancakes with fruit and powdered sugar on.

"Thank you Mount, I will now be expecting this treatment every morning." I let out a laugh knowing I was only joking.

"For you always" My heart pounds with happiness knowing that I am finally getting the guy I have been dreaming about for the last two months.

"Sorry about last night,"

"Don't be silly it's completely fine, does it happen often?"

"Usually only on his birthday or his anniversary" 

Me and Mase spend half the day laying around watching films until he tells me that I need to be ready for 7pm


"I asked you on a date so we're going an a date tonight. but right now I have an hours session of training."

"Oh that's right it's your first one back since the injury, you excited?"

"I am, but it's only a short one don't want to push it too far."

Mason sets off and I go get ready.


A/N I hope you enjoyed the reunion

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