Evil To The Bones

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Back at the abandoned town, the group prepares to embark on their quest to collect the Orbs of Kyuranger and find their way back home.

Carmilla: (determined) Alright, everyone. According to the map, the nearest fortress is located to the north. Let's head in that direction and see what challenges await us.

Charlie: (optimistically) We've faced plenty of challenges before. I have no doubt we can handle whatever comes our way.

Angel Dust: (confidently) Damn straight! We'll breeze through those fortresses like they're nothing.

Vaggie: (cautiously) Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We need to stay focused and work together if we want to succeed.

Odette: (concerned) What if we encounter more enemies along the way? We barely made it out of the last battle alive.

Emily: (weakly) I-I believe in us... we can do this...

As they traverse the deserted streets, they remain alert, encase any stupid looking Halloween monsters try to kill them.

Charlie: (curiously) I wonder what kind of obstacles we'll encounter in these fortresses.

Angel Dust: (speculating) Probably a bunch of traps, puzzles, and maybe some nasty creatures guarding the Orbs. But hey, we've faced worse, right?

Vaggie: (thoughtfully) Let's not underestimate our opponents. We need to approach each fortress with caution and strategize our approach.

Odette: (calmly) What if we get separated or something goes wrong?

Carmilla: (reassuringly) We stick together, no matter what. If anyone gets separated, we'll regroup and find a way to overcome whatever challenges we face.

Emily: (weakly) I-I just hope we make it out of this in one piece...

Odette: (comfortingly) We will, Emily. I won't let anything happen to you.

The group exits the town and heads back into the field as Carmilla looks on the map.

Carmilla: (determined) Alright, according to the map, the first fortress should be just beyond that hill. Let's stay alert and be ready for anything.

Charlie: (optimistically) We've got this. Together, we can conquer anything that comes our way.

Angel Dust: (confidently) Hell yeah! Let's show this pathetic game whose boss.

Vaggie: (cautiously) Keep your eyes peeled, everyone. We don't know what kind of challenges we'll face in there.

Odette: (calmly) I hope we're ready for this...


Meanwhile, at the unknown location, Velvette and Lute are thrown into a cell together by the two Coffee Guards.

Velvette: (frustrated) Let us out of here, you overgrown espresso machines!

Lute: (angrily) Yeah, what she said! We demand to know what's going on!

Coffee Guard 1: (coldly) You'll find out soon enough. Just sit tight and behave yourselves.

Coffee Guard 2: (menacingly) And don't even think about trying to escape. Just be lucky. The boss has plans for you two. Or else you would have been thrown with all her other junk in the Squid Ink prison.

The Coffee Guards leave as Velvette falls to her knees, her eye looking down at the cold floor.

Bajillia: (in Velvette's head) You still don't understand, do you? I'm here to remind you of who you truly are. The broken little girl trapped in her own prison of anger and bitterness.

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