Rock Out

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Green With Evil Note:

"Angelic steel isn't common, and those who have it aren't exactly rushing off to test it against exorcists. When my daughters and I were cornered in that last extermination, I tried to buy time for my girls to flee, and well... You don't become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first...

If only I knew..."


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The next day, Odette stirs from her unconscious state, her head throbbing with pain as she slowly regains awareness. Emily rushes to her side, offering words of comfort and support.

Emily: (gently) Odette, are you okay? You had us worried there for a moment.

Odette: (weakly) I... I think so. What happened?

Emily: (softly) You had a breakdown, Odette. Lute had to intervene to keep you from hurting yourself.

Odette's heart sinks as she remembers the events leading up to her collapse, her emotions still raw and overwhelming.

Odette: (regretfully) I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just... I couldn't handle it anymore.

Emily wraps her arms around Odette, offering her comfort and reassurance.

Emily: (tenderly) You don't have to go through this alone, Odette. We're in this together, remember?

Odette nods, her heart swelling with gratitude for Emily's unwavering support.

Odette: (gratefully) I remember. And I'm grateful every day for you, Emily.

Lute: (thoughtfully) So, how do we retrieve the Orb of Ascension from Squid Incorporation without falling into their trap?

Charlie: (excitedly) I have an idea! We can use music as a distraction.

Lute: (intrigued) Music? How is that going to help us?

Charlie: (explaining) We can disguise ourselves as performers and put on a show for the miners. While everyone is distracted, I can sneak in and grab the orb.

Emily: (optimistically) It's risky, but it just might work. We'll need to plan this carefully.

Odette: (skeptically) And what about me? I have no experience singing or playing instruments. Besides, I don't see how this is going to help us.

Emily: (encouragingly) We can teach you.

Odette: (defensively) Emily... I don't have time for music and frivolous activities. I need to focus on finding a way to fix the mess I've made.

Emily: (frustrated) Odette, this isn't about frivolity. Music has power. It can bring people together and inspire hope. It's the greatest art of them all. We need that now more than ever.

Odette: (stubbornly) I'm sorry, Emily, but I can't do this. I won't risk putting our mission in jeopardy because of some foolish performance.

Emily: (disappointed) Fine, Odette. If that's how you feel, then I won't force you. But don't underestimate the power of music. It might just be our ticket to success.

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