Molly Jolly Polly

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The Next Day: Angel Dust sits on the edge of his bed in his dimly lit hotel room, his mind a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. The revelation from the day before keeps replaying in his head-Molly, his twin sister, not only in Hell but responsible for a string of royal murders. He runs his fingers through his hair, eyes unfocused, as the guilt and confusion gnaw at him.

Angel Dust: (muttering to himself) How did it come to this? Molly... what happened to you?

There's a knock at the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. He hesitates for a moment before standing and opening it. Charlie stands there, her expression filled with concern.

Charlie: (softly) Angel, can I come in?

Angel Dust steps aside, letting her in without a word. Charlie looks around the room before turning her attention back to him.

Charlie: (gently) How are you holding up?

Angel Dust: (sighing) I've been better. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this. My own sister... a killer. I can't believe it.

Charlie: (sympathetically) It's a lot to process. But we're here for you, Angel. Whatever you need.

Angel Dust collapses back onto the bed, covering his face with his hands.

Angel Dust: (voice trembling) She looked so guilty, Charlie. Like she didn't want to be doing any of this. But why? Why would she do something like this?

Charlie sits down beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Charlie: (softly) Sometimes, Hell changes people in ways we can't understand. But it sounds like there's more to this story. We need to find her, Angel. Talk to her and figure out what's really going on.

Angel Dust: (nodding slowly) Yeah, you're right. But where do we even start? She ran off after the fight. She could be anywhere.

Charlie: (determined) We'll find her. We have to. For both of your sakes. We'll get the others to help. You're not alone in this.

Angel Dust looks at Charlie, gratitude and determination flickering in his eyes.

Angel Dust: (firmly) Thanks, Charlie. Let's do this. Let's find Molly and get to the bottom of this mess.

Charlie: (smiling) That's the spirit. We'll gather everyone and come up with a plan.

Angel Dust: (thoughtfully) Charlie, do you think this whole thing with Molly could be Heaven's doing?

Charlie looks at him, puzzled.

Charlie: (curiously) What do you mean?

Angel Dust: (grimly) Think about it. Heaven's been suspiciously silent for months now, ever since their last plan to nuke everyone failed. Then, a day after Basco-or, I guess, Molly-shows up, then we don't hear a peep from them. It can't be a coincidence.

Charlie: (nodding slowly) You might be onto something. Heaven has always been unpredictable, and their silence is definitely unusual. But why would they send Molly? And why would she turn into... whatever Basco is?

Angel Dust: (determined) That's what we need to find out. If Heaven's involved, this could be a lot bigger than just Molly going rogue.


Meanwhile, in a dimly lit apartment, Arackniss, Angel Dust and Molly's older brother, sits tied to a chair. His eyes dart around the room, searching for any opportunity to escape. Basco stands in front of him, the imposing figure silhouetted by the flickering light of a single, hanging bulb.

Arackniss: (mockingly) So, what's the deal, huh? You one of those Hell enforcers? Thought you could take on the big, bad Arackniss?

Basco remains silent, his helmet obscuring any hint of emotion. Arackniss continues to sneer, trying to hide his growing unease.

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