Team Players

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The next day, in a forest on fake Earth, Lute limps through the landscape as Bootleg X-borgs chase after her.

Lute's heart pounds in her chest as she pushes herself to keep running, her injured leg slowing her down. She knows she can't outrun the relentless pursuit forever, but she refuses to give up without a fight.

As the Bootleg X-borgs close in, Lute scans her surroundings for any sign of escape. Spotting a dense thicket of trees up ahead, she makes a split-second decision and veers off the path, ducking into the cover of the forest.

The X-borgs follow, crashing through the underbrush as they track Lute's movements. But the thick foliage slows them down, buying Lute precious seconds to catch her breath and plan her next move.


Meanwhile, the Hazbin crew sets off to the next fortress as they exit the snowy fields and find themselves back in more grassy fields.

Angel Dust: (annoyed) I swear when we get back, I never want to see a piece of grass ever again.

Carmilla: (annoyed) Agreed...

Charlie: (optimistically) But at least we're one step closer to completing our mission and freeing our loved ones from Vox's control.

Emily: (determined) Yeah, let's keep moving forward. We can't afford to lose momentum now.

Odette: (calmly) I'll be honest... I have never done anything so active before.

Emily: (playfully) Oh, come on, Odette, it's not all bad, right?

Odette: (calmly) I mean, I guess being with the cutest girl in the world helps.

Emily squeaks, blushing as she kisses Odette on the cheek.

Emily: (teasingly) Well, I don't know about the cutest girl in the world, but you're definitely the hottest scientist I know.

Odette's cheeks flush with a deeper shade of red as she playfully nudges Emily's shoulder.

Odette: (grinning) Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.

Emily chuckles, her eyes sparkling with affection as she gazes at Odette.

Emily: (tenderly) I mean every word, Odette. You're not just brilliant. You're kind, courageous, and incredibly beautiful, inside and out.

Odette: (whispering) Yeah...

Odette: (in her head) Sixty-five thousand million and seventeen lives... the biggest amount of death caused by a single person, aka... me.

Emily leans in closer to Odette, her eyes sparkling with admiration as she brushes a stray lock of hair away from Odette's face.

Emily: (softly) You know, Odette, I feel lucky to have you by my side through all of this. Your intelligence and bravery inspire me every day.

Odette's heart flutters at Emily's words, her cheeks flushing as she gazes into Emily's eyes with a mixture of gratitude and affection.

Odette: (touched) And I feel the same way about you, Emily. You bring so much light and positivity into my life, even in the darkest of times.

Their moment is interrupted by the sound of Charlie's voice, calling out to them as she leads the group towards their next destination.

Charlie: (calling) Hey, lovebirds. Could you two pick up the pace a bit?

Emily: (nervously) Right, sorry, Charlie.

Emily and Odette quicken their pace, catching up to the rest of the group as they continue their trek across the grassy fields. As they draw near, Clara grins mischievously, teasing the two with a playful smirk.

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